As we enter Phase 2 of the Scottish Government’s Recovery programme, we are beginning to see some lockdown measures easing, meaning we are able to restart more activities across our campuses.

We also have a greater level of certainty regarding the delivery of other future activities over a longer term and the planning and preparation we need to undertake to achieve this. Therefore, we are now publishing our Route Map, which outlines the changes we will see in Phase 2 and forecasts which activities we can expect to see through the subsequent phases of recovery.

Recovery Route Map

The University’s Recovery Route Map outlines our own phased approach to returning to campus; it is consistent with the Scottish Government’s own route map but provides more detail on a number of issues.

Alongside timescales for delivery, the UofG Route Map outlines the planning activities, working arrangements and activities that we expect to be able to deliver.

It sets out a longer-term plan for restarting operations which will take us up to the end of the calendar year and into 2021. Please note that the detail on activities in the Route Map may change subject to updated government guidance.

Details of Phase 2

Activities detailed in Phase 2 of the UofG Route Map will commence from the beginning of July. The Scottish Government has announced that, during Phase 2, some University staff can return "to make essential preparations for restart in Phase 3".

The Scottish Government has also said that research labs will be allowed to open with physical distancing and hygiene measures in place from Monday 29 June. To ensure time to prepare for some research facilities on campus to reopen, activities detailed in Phase 2 of the UofG Route Map will commence from the beginning of July.

So what will happen on the UofG campuses in Phase 2?

Continuing activities

  • The default position for the majority of staff will continue to be working from home
  • As in Phase 1, we will continue to facilitate access to offices and work spaces to pick up essential items
  • We will continue to facilitate Covid-19 related research and other activities on campus
  • We will continue to undertake essential maintenance activities
  • Student accommodation will remain open for those students who continue to live in our residences
  • We will continue the build up of activity on construction sites, as previously agreed by Scottish Government in a sector-specific plan

New activities

  • From 1 July, we will facilitate visits to the campus by academic and other staff for the preparation of teaching materials or other preparatory activities which cannot be undertaken from home. These visits must be coordinated through the colleges or for University Services through the relevant Executive Director.
  • Also from 1 July, we will increase access to labs for research work
  • We will be working to open catering on the main campus, using The Gilchrist Postgrad Club on the Gilmorehill campus as a take-away facility
  • We will open some outdoor sports facilities.

Campus access

Anyone accessing campus as the lockdown eases will need to complete a Moodle induction module, which will be available towards the end of June. The induction module will give more details about the health and safety measures to which we expect staff to adhere. We will communicate more about this in due course.

Before the start of July, we can still only facilitate staff coming onto campus only for activities related to COVID-19 research, to collect necessary items to assist online teaching for the new semester and exceptionally to allow staff to collect equipment absolutely necessary for long-term working from home.

If you do need to visit campus, you must first receive approval from your Director/Head of School via email. Once this has been granted, forward the email to with details of your access requirement, and providing three days advanced notice.  

Before arrival and upon departure you must call 0141 330 4282 so that they can advise you of any specific arrangements for accessing the space and update the University fire safety log accordingly.

First published: 19 June 2020