Construction of the James McCune Smith Learning Hub is shown to have generated over £135 million-worth of total social and economic impacts.

The figures have been published in a new Social Value report by Multiplex, lead contractor for the James McCune Smith Learning Hub. The report shows £1.87 generated in return for every £1 spent by the University in the construction of the major new learning and teaching facility. The methodology used in the report is accredited by Social Value UK, the professional body for social value and impact management.

The James McCune Smith Learning Hub will open to students on 18 January, with access initially restricted in line with Scottish Government Covid-19 guidance.

The economic impacts are felt locally by contractors and supply chains, but the report also captures social outcomes, such as the value of education and training opportunities generated.

The project generated investment of £73 million in the local economy, which includes the economic benefits for local supply chains and companies that service the site.

Over £11 million has been invested in employment in the sector through apprenticeships, work placements and new entrants. There has also been over £1.5 million invested in training people including health and wellbeing initiatives, first aid and other training courses.

The report also shows that the James McCune Smith Learning Hub construction proved an effective pathway for engaging new talent with the industry by creating positions for 47 new entrants.

Professor Frank Coton, Vice Principal Academic Planning & Technological Innovation at the University said: “When we conceived the project, we envisaged a building that not only served the University community, but also added to the social fabric of our local community and the city. As part of this, we wanted to ensure we were working with our lead contractor, Multiplex, to maximise the societal benefits that the construction process will bring to the local area – it is therefore very satisfying to see these so clearly displayed in the findings of this report.

“We can now look forward to seeing many more positive impacts when the building opens in the new year.”

Darren Pike, Project Director for Multiplex, said: “We are committed to delivering positive social and economic impacts as part of the historic development of the University of Glasgow campus, ensuring a lasting legacy for our local communities. By working in partnership with the University of Glasgow, our supply chain and community partners we are able to maximise our outcomes; creating sustainable employment and skills opportunities, engaging with local SMEs and social enterprises, and supporting our community groups.

“We are proud that the James McCune Smith Learning Hub project has facilitated school and university research projects throughout the construction phase and will now deliver state of the art learning for many years to come.”

First published: 11 December 2020