£1.2m grant awarded by EPSRC

The School of Mathematics & Statistics has achieved impressive methodological advancements in the mathematical modelling of cardio-physiological processes in recent years. As part or two EPSRC-funded research centres (SofTMech and SofTMech^MP), researchers have developed new models for the mechanical and electrophysiological processes of the heart and the flow in the blood vessel network. 

A team of researchers from three schools at the University - Mathematics & Statistics, Cardiovascular & Medical Sciences and  Engineering - in collaboration with the University of Sheffield and several partners from industry and the NHS, have been awarded a £1.2m grant from EPSRC to tackle challenges related to this work. This is one of four research hubs for Mathematical Sciences in Healthcare funded by EPSRC and it will be led by Professor Dirk Husmeier, Chair of Statistics, and start on 1 March 2021.

A successful completion of the Hub's research projects will be an important stepping stone on the clinical translation pathway to bring mathematical models into the clinic for improved clinical decision support. Further details are available here:




First published: 4 June 2020