Ferguson Bequest ballot for T. rex tickets

The Ferguson Bequest has purchased an allocation of tickets for the T. rex in Town exhibition that can be seen at the Kelvin Hall from 18 April – 31 July 2019.

For details of the exhibition and to enter the ballot, log in to MyGlasgow Staff and enter via the Ferguson Bequest link in the left hand navigation.

Log in will require your GUID and password.

Ballot will be drawn on 10th May.

Any questions, please contact: CourtOffice@glasgow.ac.uk

MVLS Engagement Team announce New Engagement Award with a Scottish Focus

The MVLS Engagement Team is delighted to announce a new 18 month pilot collaboration supporting Wellcome grant holders in Scotland to engage the public with their research.

Wellcome has awarded up £500,000 towards a funding pilot coordinated through the Scottish Public Engagement Network (ScotPEN). The ScotPEN Wellcome Engagement Award is designed to improve the quality and quantity of successful research engagement projects, and increase opportunities for institutional collaborations. The College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences at the University of Glasgow will host the pilot scheme and co-ordinate reporting. This award will replace Wellcome’s Research Enrichment for Public Engagement scheme for those based in Scottish universities and research institutes.

In addition to acting as a local funding body, the ScotPEN Wellcome Engagement Award will also offer Wellcome grant holders access to public engagement support and training opportunities designed to improve and enhance their public engagement funding applications. Arrangements for the scheme are being finalised and applications will open in summer 2019.

All enquiries should be directed to the MVLS Engagement Team: mvls-engage@gla.ac.uk

UofG Researchers receive Royal Society Wolfson Fellowships

Two University of Glasgow academics have been announced as recipients of the Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship 2018 Round Three.

The recipients, from the University’s College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences (MVLS), include Professor Jose Penades, Professor of Microbiology (Bacteriology) at the Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, and Professor Philippe Schyns, Professor of Psychology at the Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging at the Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology.

The announcement from The Royal Society and the Wolfson Foundation brings an end to the first year of the new £8 million scheme which supports UK universities and research institutions to recruit and retain outstanding senior research scientists, particularly researchers from outside the UK.

Prof Penades has received the Fellowship for his work on “deciphering how gram-negative phage-inducible chromosomal islands are induced in nature”; and Prof Schyns’ Fellowship goes toward his research on “deeper interpretation of brain and deep convolutional networks using content brain and behaviour imaging”.

First published: 29 April 2019