Teaching Excellence Awards open for nominations
Published: 22 February 2019
Awards first introduced in 2005-06 to recognise high standards of teaching
The 2018-19 Teaching Excellence Awards nominations are now open.
Teaching Excellence Awards were first introduced in 2005-06 to recognise and celebrate members of staff whose teaching is of a particularly high standard.
Awards are made at two levels: College level and University level. The awards are indicative of esteem and, as such, recipients of the awards are invited to join a Teaching Excellence Network and to contribute their skills and expertise to a range of activities, such as training, informal mentoring, peer review and, on a consultative basis, to Learning & Teaching Committee business and strategy meetings.
Please consider whether there are colleagues you might wish to nominate for one of the categories: Individual Excellence, Early Career, Career Excellence or the Team Award. Details of how to nominate and criteria are available at the link below:
The closing date for the nominations is Friday, 29 March, 2019.
First published: 22 February 2019