During August, the University will again complete the UniForum professional services staff data collection exercise, which we last carried out during the summer of 2017.

The University is a member of a consortium of universities under the UniForum programme which allows us to compare ourselves and learn from over 20 other, mostly Russell Group, Universities in the UK and with a further similar number in New Zealand, Australia and Canada.

All participating universities use a common framework to collect information on how professional services and support staff are deployed across the whole of the University. Our collection period will run August 1st to 23rd, followed by a data-checking period running into September.

The exercise collects information on the work carried out by all professional services and support members of staff, with the information provided by supervisors and managers (Respondents). All Respondents will be contacted by early August, asking them to carry out the short piece of work required to allocate the work of their teams based on the UniForum framework.

Further information is available on the University UniForum web page and questions can be directed to uniforum@glasgow.ac.uk


Dr Dorothy Welch

Deputy Secretary and UniForum Project Sponsor



First published: 22 July 2019