23/06/14 - 06/07/14
Animal Welfare Fund, £103,580, VET - LARGE ANIMAL CLINICAL SCIENCES &PH, Dr JF Marshall (PI),Dr T Parkin, Multicentre Electronic Medical Record Analysis - A Powerful Tool for Investigating Equine Disease.
Arts and Humanities Research Council, £165,160, HU - ARTS AND MEDIA INFORMATICS (HATII), Mr MJ Barr,SS COLLEGE SENIOR MANAGEMENT, Prof A Hoskins (PI),Technologies of memory and archival regimes: War diaries before and after the connective turn.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £379,342, III - BACTERIOLOGY, Dr DC Walker (PI),LS - BIOMOLECULAR SCIENCE, Dr JJ Milner, LS - INFECTION BIOLOGY, Dr O Byron, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Prof RJ Cogdell, Dr BO Smith, A novel mechanism of protein uptake in Gram-negative bacteria.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £342,564, CHEM - CHEMISTRY, Prof L Cronin (PI), Plug'n Play Photosynthetic for Rubisco Independent Fuels.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £320,376, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Prof MR Blatt (PI),MAGIC - A Multi-tiered approach to generating increased carbon dioxide in the chloroplast
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £2,500, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr C Wyse (PI),BBSRC Research Experience Placements 2014.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £2,500, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Prof NN Jonsson (PI),BBSRC Research Experience Placements 2014.
Cancer Research UK, £61,335, MVLS ICS - CLINICAL TRIALS UN. GARTNAVEL, Mr J Paul (PI), tranSCOT - sample collection for translational studies in colorectal cancer.
Crees Foundation, £40,607, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr R Macleod (PI), Developing biodiversity indicators of value and ecosystem health for regenerating tropical forest.
East Ayrshire Council, £10,000, ICS - EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS, Dr J Edwards (PI), Research Donation.
Edinburgh Mathematical Society, £1,200, M&S - MATHEMATICS, Dr AJ Baker (PI),Stable Homotopy Theory: structured ring spectra and their invariants.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £1,085,911 , ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG, Dr R Dahiya (PI),Engineering Fellowships for Growth: Printed Tactile SKIN.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £316,517, CHEM - CHEMISTRY, Dr JS Hargreaves (PI), First principles design of novel ammonia synthesis catalysts.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £316,235, SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY, Dr S Magennis (PI), From nature to nano: structure, dynamics and reactivity of DNA three-way junctions.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £22,144, COM - COMPUTING SCIENCE, Dr WA Vanderbauwhede (PI), Hardware Acceleration of Co-Simulation for the Study of Extreme Weather Events.
Glasgow Natural History Society, £1,700, LS - ANIMAL BIOLOGY, Dr A Mcgregor (PI), Voices in the reeds: use of passive acoustic monitoring for detecting presence and critical habitat size of cryptic waterbirds.
Health Technology Assessment, £465,369, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Dr J Dawson (PI), RATULS: Robot assisted training for the upper limb after stroke.
Heritage Lottery Fund, £10,000, CCA - THEATRE FILM AND TV STUDIES, Dr D Archibald (PI), Doomster Hill (Film).
IDEAS, £18,600, ED - SOCIAL JUSTICE, PLACE & LIFELONG ED, Dr AD Britton (PI),Teach Global Ambassadors Project.
Leverhulme Trust,£22,000, CCA - HISTORY OF ART, Prof MF Macdonald (PI),Catalogue Raisonne of the oil paintings of James McNeill Whistler.
Medical Research Council, £440,234, MVLS MED - REPRODUCTIVE & MATERNAL MED, Prof S Nelson (PI),RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof NA Sattar, The UPBEAT RCT mother-child study. Stratifying and treating obese pregnant women to prevent adverse pregnancy, perinatal and longer term outcomes.
Medical Research Scotland, £1,840, INP - STROKE & BRAIN IMAGING, Prof K Muir (PI), Serial MR Spectroscopy Assessment in the PISCES Phase 1 Clinical Trial of Human Neural Stem Cell Implantation in Ischaemic Stroke.
Medical Research Scotland, £1,840, SM - DENTAL SCHOOL, Dr SE Culshaw (PI), 'NETting' Bacterial Biofilms - Do neutrophils generate extracellular traps to combat bacterial biofilms?
Medical Research Scotland, £1,610, S&E PSY - PSYCHOLOGY, Prof FE Pollick (PI),Serial Development of a Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) System for Feedback.
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, £30,000, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof C Berry (PI),Contribution to Salary Costs Dr Kenneth Mangion.
National Institute for Health Research, £7,583, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof P Langhorne, Prof DJ Stott (PI),How best to deliver comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA).
Natural Environment Research Council, £407,008 ,ENG - ENGINEERING INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIR, Dr U Ijaz (PI),Understanding microbial community through in situ environmental 'omic data synthesis.
Royal Astronomical Society, £1,200, P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Dr HS Hudson (PI), Measuring Solar CME Masses with the 'Iron Cascade'.
Royal Society, £4,950, ENG - ENGINEERING INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIR, Prof R De Borst (PI), Cell mechanobiology.
Royal Society of Chemistry,£250, SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY, Dr S Corr (PI),Grant to attend the 'Solid State Compounds and Materials for Emerging Technologies and Sustainable Energy Generation Conference' in New London, USA in July 2014.
Scottish Funding Council, £3,000, COM - COMPUTING SCIENCE, Prof SA Brewster (PI), Minerva
Scottish Government - Health and Social Care Integration Dir,£70,000 ,IHW - MRC/CSO SPHU, Dr L Mcdaid (PI),Women's experiences of repeat termination of pregnancy in Scotland.
Society for General Microbiology,£1,110, III - BACTERIOLOGY, Dr G Douce (PI),Phenotypic characterisation of Clostridium difficile ribotype 078, the emerging and dominant ribotype in Scottish hospitals.
T&J Meyer Family Foundation,£29,852, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr R Macleod (PI),Amazon Research Programme: Leveraging the value of conservation research (ARP).
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £1,000, CRIT - ENGLISH LITERATURE, Dr EK Reeder (PI), Objects and bodies in movement: migrant, archived and imagined (Animating the Archive.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £1,000, SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHICAL & EARTH SCIENCES,Prof T Hoey (PI),Hydraulic controls on CO2 transfer in arctic environments.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £1,000, M&S - MATHEMATICS, Dr A Baggaley (PI),Two fluid turbulence.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £985, CRIT - ENGLISH LITERATURE, Dr L Rattray (PI), Research for a new Oxford University Press World Classics Critical Edition of Edith Wharton's novel, Summer.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £737, CRIT - ENGLISH LITERATURE, Dr BC Randall (PI), The Cambridge University Press edition of The Collected Short Fiction of Virginia Woolf.
The Nuffield Foundation,£1,440 ,III -IMMUNOLOGY, Prof I Mcinnes (PI),The role of miR-125a in the regulation of the production of IL-10 by healthy and RA macrophages.
Wellcome Trust,£2,000,INP - CENTRE FOR COGNITIVE NEUROIMAGING, Dr GA Rousselet (PI), Age-related changes in processing dynamic facial emotion
Wellcome Trust,£2,000,RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr C Wyse (PI),Biomedical Vacation Scholarship 2014
Wellcome Trust,£2,000,M&S - STATISTICS, Prof D Husmeier (PI), Wellcome Trust Biomedical Vacation studentship 2014.
Yorkhill Children's Charity,£59,999, MVLS MED -HUMAN NUTRITION, Dr K Gerasimidis (PI),Novel Management of Crohn's Disease by Dietary Manipulation of the Gut Microbiome: The CD-TREAT diet.