31/12/12 - 13/01/13
Arts and Humanities Research Council, £11,612, ARTS ACADEMIC AND STUDENT ADMIN, Mrs AJ Callander (PI), AHRC BGP via Stirling - Gillingham studentship.
British Pharmacological Society, £25,000, III -IMMUNOLOGY,Dr SW Milling, Prof HJ Willison, INP - NEUROSCIENCES &CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY, Dr LC Mckay, INP - STROKE & BRAIN IMAGING, Prof IM Macrae, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof M Maclean (PI),IPF Capacity Building Studentship 2012/2013 Contribution.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£466,966, ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG,Prof R Hadfield (PI),Lithium niobate integrated quantum photonics.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £7,000, ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG, Prof D Cumming (PI),Dr JP Grant, RSI- RESEARCH STRATEGY & INNOVATION, Mr M Anderson, IAA-EPSRC: Glasgow THZ Camera.
Gothenburg University Dept of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, £2,981, IHW - MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING, Dr H Minnis (PI), RA Salary.
North Glasgow University Hospitals NHS Trust, £31,088, RI CANCER SCIENCES, Dr SA Morrison (PI),Salary Recoup Cancer Dietetics Post 002814.
Royal Alexandra Hospital (NHS Trust), £54,734, MVLS MED - ANAESTHESIA, Prof J Kinsella (PI), Award to cover clinical salary costs.
Royal Society, £159,507, ENG - ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION, Mrs KL Phillips, ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG, Prof R Hadfield (PI), Ultrafast infrared superconducting single-photon detectors.
Royal Society of Edinburgh, £9,945, CCA - HISTORY OF ART, Dr A Quye (PI), ReINVENT: reconnecting and recreating 19th century Scottish textile manufacture.
Royal Society of Edinburgh, £4,150, CRIT - ENGLISH LITERATURE, Dr G Miller (PI), Scottish health humanities seminar and masterclass series.
Royal Society of Edinburgh, £3,950, SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHICAL & EARTH SCIENCES, Dr NA Kamenos (PI), Impacts of climatic variability on shallow water marine eco-systems and resources.
Royal Society of Edinburgh, £1,100, CRIT - ENGLISH LITERATURE, Dr AD Radford (PI),Mary Butts and British Neo-Romanticism - The Enchantment of Place.
Scottish Executive Health Department,£1,462 , SPS - INST. OF HEALTH & WELLBEING, Dr L Gray (PI),Community-based health improvement for disadvantaged older women: the development of a physical activity / healthy eating intervention for delivery in Bingo clubs across Scotland.
Scottish Government, £15,000, RIO - RECRUITMENT & INTERNATIONAL OFFICE, Mrs M Johnston (PI), Saltire Scholarships (PGR).
Scottish Society for the History of Medicine, £1,000, SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, Prof LT Weaver (PI), SCHOOL OF SOCIAL & POLITICAL SCIENCES, Dr I Hutchison, The New History of Yorkhill.
Technology Strategy Board (TSB),£7,646, ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG, Dr AE Kelly (PI), KTP: High performance, low cost, single frequency laser device platform for next generation access networks.
Terra Foundation for American Art, £61,718, CCA - HISTORY OF ART, Mr AJ Greg (PI),American Historic Art in UK Public Collections.
Wellcome Trust,£18,803, III -IMMUNOLOGY, Prof AM Mowat (PI),LS - INFECTION BIOLOGY, Dr O Byron, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Prof DG Monckton, Wellcome 096988/Z - T Zangerle Murray.
Wellcome Trust, £15,830, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr K Elmer (PI), The role of gene expression in phenotypic plasticity and adaptive divergence (ISSF Catalyst).