26/08/13 - 08/09/13
Academy of Medical Sciences,£29,978, MVLS MED - SURGERY, Dr N Jamieson (PI), NcRNA Biomarkers In Pancreaticobiliary Malignancy - Implications For Therapy.
Arts and Humanities Research Council,£55,128, ARTS ACADEMIC AND STUDENT ADMIN, Mrs AJ Callander, CCA - HISTORY OF ART, Dr DH Strickland (PI),V&A AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award.
Beaufort Educational Trust,£2,980, VET - LARGE ANIMAL CLINICAL SCIENCES &PH, Dr JF Marshall (PI),A Novel Inertial Sensor-Based Method of Assessing and Quantifying Movement of the Thoroughbred Racehorse.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council,£334,029, INP - CENTRE FOR NEUROSCIENCE, Dr BA Bannatyne, Prof D Maxwell (PI),Prof AJ Todd, Pre-motor neuronal networks , from connectivity to function
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council,£302,709, SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY, Dr S Magennis (PI),Speeding and stuttering: analysing the dynamics of DNA replication at the single molecule level.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council,£24,490, MVLS OTHER, Dr M Mudaliar, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Prof D Haydon, Dr T Lembo, Dr R Reeve (PI),Assessing the impact of foot-and-mouth disease vaccination programmes.
British Academy, £80,344, CCA - HISTORY OF ART, Dr E Hermens (PI),A synergy of skills: collaborative art production at the Medici Court as a model for artistic enterprise.
British Academy, £10,000, INP - CENTRE FOR COGNITIVE NEUROIMAGING, Dr M Philiastides (PI),Neural correlates of decision confidence in the human brain.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£3,040,351, ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG, Prof DJ Paul, S&E COLLEGE SENIOR MANAGEMENT, Prof JN Chapman (PI),Capability to improve the Energy Efficiency of Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices.
Foundation for Canadian Studies in the UK,£750, SPS - URBAN STUDIES, Dr J White (PI),Canadian Studies Travel Award.
GALVmed,£81,007, III - PARASITOLOGY, Prof MP Barrett (PI),Dr HP De Koning, Diamidine transporters and resistance in livestock trypanosomes.
Guarantors of Brain,£500, III -IMMUNOLOGY, Dr G Chavada (PI), Travel Grant.
Medical Research Council,£1,046,222, MVLS III - CENTRE FOR VIRUS RESEARCH,Dr S Wilson (PI),Identifying and characterising antiretroviral interferon stimulated genes (ISGs).
Medical Research Council,£689,910 ,IHW - HEALTH ECON & TECH ASSESSMENT, Prof AH Briggs, IHW - PUBLIC HEALTH, Prof J Pell (PI),IHW - ROBERTSON CENTRE, Prof I Ford, The Scottish eHealth Informatics Research Centre (E-HIRCs)
Medical Research Council,£462,370, III -IMMUNOLOGY, Prof AM Mowat, Prof RJ Nibbs (PI), Regulation of intestinal Immune responses by the atypical Chemokine receptor CCRL1.
Medical Research Council,£438,890, INP - CENTRE FOR NEUROSCIENCE, Dr JS Riddell, Prof AJ Todd (PI),Spinal inhibitory interneurons that suppress itch.
Medical Research Council,£45,000, MVLS III - CENTRE FOR VIRUS RESEARCH, Prof M Palmarini (PI),Centenary Funding.
Medical Research Council,£13,000, MVLS III - CENTRE FOR VIRUS RESEARCH, Prof M Palmarini (PI),Centenary Public Funding.
Museums, Galleries, Scotland,£37,943, US - MUSEUM & ART GALLERY, Prof D Gaimster, Ms M Reilly (PI),Science Showcase: Revealing Research.
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Endowment Funds Office, £22,460, MVLS ICS - CLINICAL TRIALS UN. GARTNAVEL, Mr J Paul (PI),RI CANCER SCIENCES, Prof J Cassidy, Staff salary.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, £14,719, ICS - EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS, Dr RR Ullah (PI),Lab consumables.
NHS Lanarkshire, £3,000, SM - NURSING & HEALTHCARE, Dr LM Paul (PI), Pulmanory Rehabilitation Telehealth Research study.
Royal Hospital for Sick Children,£1,182, IHW - MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING, Dr H Minnis (PI),RA Salary.
Royal Society of Edinburgh,£2,100, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Prof C Selman (PI),RSE International Exchange Programme: IEP India.
Scottish Enterprise,£92,189, RI NEUROSCIENCE & PSYCHOLOGY, Prof G Milligan, Dr JC Mountford (PI),RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof AH Baker, University of Dundee, Dr M MacDonald, University of Edinburgh, Dr L Forrester, Dr C Lyall, Red blood cell programme.
Scottish Executive Health Department, £215,835, ICS - CLINICAL TRIALS RESEARCH, Prof A Chalmers, ICS - EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS, Prof TR Evans, MVLS ICS - CLINICAL TRIALS UN. GARTNAVEL, Mr J Paul, SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, Dr KG Blyth (PI),An examination of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Scottish Executive Health Department, £208,442, IHW - GENERAL PRACTICE & PRIMARY CARE, Dr D Blane (PI),Dr S Macdonald, Prof C O'Donnell, IHW - PUBLIC HEALTH, Dr DS Morrison, Understanding the role of primary care in the management of co-morbid obesity: a mixed methods programme.
Scottish Executive Health Department,£169,505, RI CANCER SCIENCES, Dr S Rhodes (PI),Investigation of JAK2 targets is myeloproliferative disorders.
Scottish Executive Health Department,£167,340, IHW - HEALTH ECON & TECH ASSESSMENT, Dr C Geue (PI),The effect of geography and socioeconomic status on health care costs at the end of life: implications for resource allocation and expenditure projections in Scotland
Scottish Executive Health Department, £0, IHW - GENERAL PRACTICE & PRIMARY CARE, Prof SW Mercer (PI),Multimorbidity - prevalence, risk factors and resilience in a large Scottish birth cohort.
Scottish Funding Council,£16,722, S&E P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Dr IS Heng (PI),Dr MD Pitkin, Automated Image Quality Assurance for Ophthalmoscopes.
Scottish Government,£20,000 , RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr DM Bailey (PI),Marine Scotland Science funding for Sophie Elliot 2013-2015.
Technology Strategy Board (TSB),£369,687, ENG - BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, Prof JM Cooper (PI),Dr J Reboud, 'MIMIC' - Multifunctional Integrated Microsystem for rapid point-of-care TB IdentifiCation.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £2,200, HU - ARCHAEOLOGY, Dr C Glatz (PI), Sirwan Regional Project.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland,£1,350, IS - INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES, Dr R Jessop (PI),Research in the UK on The Ancient Notion of Learned Ignorance and Education: a Scottish Philosophical and Literary Study.
The Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, £6,281, SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHICAL & EARTH SCIENCES, Dr L Naylor (PI),Bioprotection: an overlooked aspect of biodiversity on coastal rocks.
The Pet Plan Charitable Trust,£5,190, VET - VETERINARY BIOSCIENCES, Prof TJ Anderson (PI),Rabbit neutering service for local charities.
UK Biobank 1-2 Spectrum Way,£25,000, IHW - PUBLIC HEALTH, Prof J Pell (PI),UK Biobank Steering Committee.
University of Dundee,£1,500, CHEM - CHEMISTRY, Dr RC Hartley (PI),Chemical Biology Analysis of RNA Splicing Inhibitors.
Wellcome Trust,£183,002, ICS - BEATSON INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RES., Prof M Olson, ICS - PAUL O'GORMAN LEUKAEMIA RESEARCH C, Prof T Holyoake, RI CANCER SCIENCES, Dr L Mukherjee (PI),Investigation of the role of rho kinase in the survival of chronic myeloid leukaemia cells.
Wellcome Trust,£131,502, SM - DENTAL SCHOOL, Dr G Ramage (PI),Evaluating clinical outcomes to Candida albicans biofilm formation in candidaemia patients.
Wellcome Trust,£70,701, III - PARASITOLOGY, Prof AP Waters (PI),Identification and analysis of essential proteins involved in Toxoplasma gondii mitochondrial biogenesis (ISSF Catalyst).
Wellcome Trust,£69,846, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Dr JC Mountford (PI),Bridging funds for BloodPharma project.
Wellcome Trust,£26,469, III - BACTERIOLOGY, Prof JD Barry,III - PARASITOLOGY, Prof M Meissner (PI), Systematic analysis of essential parasite genes linked to invasion of the host cell in Toxoplasma gondii.
Wellcome Trust,£10,980, III -IMMUNOLOGY, Prof SC Barnett (PI),LS - INFECTION BIOLOGY, Dr O Byron, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Prof DG Monckton, Identification of astrocytic factors that regulate myelination.
Wellcome Trust,£1,440, VET - VETERINARY BIOSCIENCES, Dr P Yam (PI),Validation of equine accelerometry for assessment of physical activity.
Yorkhill Children's Charity,£40,000, MVLS MED - MEDICAL GENETICS, Prof F Lyall (PI), PhD Programme.