23/09/13 - 06/10/13
British Academy,£7,070, SPS - POLITICS, Dr K Allison (PI),Investing in women: weaving peace and development in Rwanda.
British Equine Veterinary Association Trust,£24,992, IHW - PUBLIC HEALTH, Dr J Brown, Mrs M Gaffney, Prof EB Macdonald (PI),VET - LARGE ANIMAL CLINICAL SCIENCES & PH, Dr T Parkin, Occupational Health Needs of Equine Vets.
British Heart Foundation,£579,972, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof AH Baker, Prof GL Smith, Prof R Touyz (PI),BHF 4 Year PhD Programme.
British Heart Foundation,£163,201, MVLS MED - UNDERGRADUATE SCHOOL, Prof AC Rankin, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof GL Smith, Dr AJ Workman (PI),Human atrial action potential alternans and afterdepolarisations: electrophysiological and calcium-cycling mechanisms and effects of myocardial disease.
Cancer Research UK,£1,114,614 ,ICS - CLINICAL TRIALS RESEARCH, Prof A Chalmers, ICS - EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS, Prof TR Evans, MVLS ICS - CLINICAL TRIALS UN. GARTNAVEL, Mr J Paul, RI CANCER SCIENCES, Dr RJ Jones (PI),SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, Mrs A Harkin, Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit - Core Programme Funding.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, £61,517, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Dr WJ Barnes (PI),Bio-inspired multi-level surface designs for reversible adhesion in wet and flooded conditions.
Diabetes UK,£23,740, SM - NURSING & HEALTHCARE, Dr LM Paul (PI),The influence of diabetes on the rehabilitation outcome of patients following lower limb amputation.
Economic & Social Research Council,£28,089, SPS - POLITICS, Prof J Duckett (PI),Expanding, Not Shrinking, Social Programmes: The Politics of New Policies to Tackle Poverty and Inequality in Brazil, India, China and South Africa
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£492,124, S&E P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Dr S Mcvitie, Prof RL Stamps (PI),Artificial spin ice: designer matter far from equilibrium.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£442,468, COM - COMPUTING SCIENCE, Prof P Trinder (PI), Adaptive Just-In-Time Parallelisation (AJITPar).
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£334,842, Imperial College, London, Prof P Freemont, John Innes Centre, Prof A Osbourn, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Prof S Rosser (PI),University of Exeter, Prof D Bates, Sandpit: Synthetic integrons for continuous directed evolution of complex genetic ensembles.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£240,263, CHEM - CHEMISTRY, Prof L Cronin (PI),A Digital DNA Nano Writer (DNA NanoFab).
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£98,486, COM - COMPUTING SCIENCE, Dr D Pezaros (PI),IMC2: Instrumentation, Measurement and Control for the Cloud.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£48,330, COM - COMPUTING SCIENCE, Dr C Macdonald, Dr I Ounis (PI), ReDites: Real Time, Detection, Interpretation and Tracking of Events in Social Media.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£19,878, COM - COMPUTING SCIENCE, Miss J Williamson (PI),IAA-EPSRC: Evaluating Spherical Displays in Public Spaces.
European Commission,£1,339,300 ,COM - COMPUTING SCIENCE, Dr MJ Chalmers, IHW - MRC/CSO SPHU, Prof K Hunt, IHW - ROBERTSON CENTRE, Dr A Mcconnachie, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Dr JM Gill, Prof NA Sattar, SPS - INST. OF HEALTH & WELLBEING, Dr L Gray, Prof S Wyke (PI), EUROFIT: Social innovation to improve physical activity and sedentary behaviour through elite European football.
European Commission, £53,308, ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG,Dr T Drysdale (PI),AdvIOT.
Glasgow City Council - Land and Environmental Services,£5,000, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr DJ Mccafferty (PI),SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES, Dr SA White, Research on Water Voles.
Gothenburg University Dept of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,£3,592,IHW - MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING, Dr H Minnis (PI),RA Salary.
Health Technology Assessment,£3,467, MVLS SM - CHILD HEALTH, Prof DM Tappin (PI),BIBS: Benefits of Incentives for breastfeeding and Smoking cessation: A platform study for a trial.
Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research,£249,048, ICS - PAUL O'GORMAN LEUKAEMIA RESEARCH C, Dr S Abraham, Prof T Holyoake (PI),Dual targeting of p53 and c-myc to eradicate CML stem cells.
Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research,£1,200, MVLS III - CENTRE FOR VIRUS RESEARCH, Prof JC Neil, VET - LARGE ANIMAL CLINICAL SCIENCES &PH, Prof ER Cameron (PI),New Approaches to Modelling Human Leukaemia.
Medical Research Council,£90,049, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Dr RS Lindsay, Prof NA Sattar (PI),MRC APBI STratification and Extreme Response Mechanism IN Diabetes - MASTERMIND (MRC Stratifying Medicine Pilot).
Medical Research Council,£0, MVLS III - CENTRE FOR VIRUS RESEARCH, Dr J Mclauchlan (PI),Dr AH Patel, Establishment of a Resource for Long-Term Study of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in the UK.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, £48,924, MVLS MED - ANAESTHESIA, Dr MG Serpell (PI),Pain Study Programme.
National Institute of Health, £135,247, IHW - ROBERTSON CENTRE, Prof I Ford, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Dr J Dawson, Prof KR Lees (PI),Clot Lysis: Evaluating Accelerated Resolution of IVH Phase III (CLEAR 3).
National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children,£6,821, IHW - MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING, Dr H Minnis (PI),Parents under pressure.
Royal Astronomical Society,£700, S&E P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Dr L Fletcher (PI),Support to Attend Hinode-7 Conference in Takayama, Japan.
Science & Technologies Facilities Council,£2,000, CHEM - CHEMISTRY, Dr D Lennon (PI),Analysis of the hydrocarbonaceous overlayer associated with iron-based F-T catalysts RB1320306.
Science & Technologies Facilities Council,£2,000, CHEM - CHEMISTRY, Dr D Lennon (PI),Can INS provide new information on the matter of 'coke' formation in high-silica zeolites? RB1320360.
Scottish Executive Health Department,£89,943, SM - DENTAL SCHOOL, Dr DF Lappin, Prof AJ Smith (PI),Reducing the risk of vCJD by improving the cleanability of neurosurgical instruments.
Scottish Funding Council,£315,093, RIO - RECRUITMENT & INTERNATIONAL OFFICE, Dr N Croll (PI),REACH Scotland (Access to the High Demand Professions Programme).
Scottish Funding Council,£104,223, IT - JISC REGIONAL SUPPORT CENTRE, Mrs F Carmichael (PI),RSC Scotland.
Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, £7,321, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Prof NP Evans (PI),VET - VETERINARY BIOSCIENCES, Dr FJ Dowell, Does Music reduce stress in dogs maintained at an SSPCA centre.
Society for Conservation Biology,£31,235, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr DJ Mccafferty (PI),International Marine Conservation Congress (IMMC) 2014.
The Pet Plan Charitable Trust,£30,520, MVLS III - CENTRE FOR VIRUS RESEARCH, Dr A Gallagher, Dr T Rich, VET - VETERINARY BIOSCIENCES, Dr EM Graham (PI), Feline mycoplasmas: should we treat the infected cat?
The Pet Plan Charitable Trust, £10,000, MVLS III - CENTRE FOR VIRUS RESEARCH, Prof MJ Hosie (PI),Developing an algorithm to predict the outcome for cats infected with feline immunodeficiency virus.
The Scottish Government, £30,000 , LS - TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE ALLIANCE, Dr DC Mcneill (PI),Glasgow Science Festival Stabilisation Grant 2013-2014.
The Stroke Association,£72,916, INP - STROKE & BRAIN IMAGING, Dr F Moreton, Prof K Muir (PI),MVLS COLLEGE SENIOR MANAGEMENT, Dr A Montezano, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Dr C Delles, Prof R Touyz, Characterising vascular pathophysiology in CADASIL (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subacute infarcts and leukoencephalopathy) by evaluation of gluteal resistance vessels.
US Department of Energy,£93,450, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Prof RJ Cogdell (PI),Photosynthetic Antenna Research Center (PARC).
Wellcome Trust,£27,700, CHEM - CHEMISTRY, Dr RC Hartley (PI),Chemical Biology Analysis of RNA Splicing Inhibitors.
Yorkhill Children's Charity,£60,000 ,ENG - ENGINEERING INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIR, Dr C Quince, MVLS MED -HUMAN NUTRITION, Dr K Gerasimidis (PI),PhD Studentship Award.