21/10/13 - 03/11/13
Arthritis Research UK,£999,067,III -IMMUNOLOGY,Prof P Garside,Prof G Graham,Prof I Mcinnes (PI),Rheumatoid Arthritis Centre of Excellence (RACE - Towards a Cure)
Arts and Humanities Research Council, £4,068, SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHICAL & EARTH SCIENCES,Dr S Naylor (PI),Snow scenes: exploring the role of place in weather memories
Ballast Trust,£10,000, ARCHIVE SERVICES,Ms LM Richmond (PI),Surveying Archive Records.
Cancer Research UK,£1,000, ICS - EPIGENETICS,Prof P Adams (PI),Cell Senescence in cancer and ageing.
Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research,£147,752, ICS - PAUL O'GORMAN LEUKAEMIA RESEARCH C, Prof M Copland, Prof T Holyoake, Dr H Wheadon (PI),Validating induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) as an acceptable model for pre-clinical drug screening in haematological malignancies.
European Commission,£442,842, ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG, Prof DJ Paul (PI),GEMINI.
European Commission,£174,648, IHW - HEALTH ECON & TECH ASSESSMENT, Prof AH Briggs (PI),CULPRIT-SHOCK.
European Commission,£78,398, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr B Helm (PI), Wildclocks.
European Commission,£78,266, ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG, Prof DJ Paul (PI),ICT-Energy.
European Commission,£76,923 , RI CANCER SCIENCES, Dr C Braconi (PI), LivRnCODE Non coding RNA in liver cancer.
European Commission,£11,692 , ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG, Prof RM De La Rue (PI),LIMACONA.
Glasgow Natural History Society,£1,000, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr R Biek (PI), Characterising the diversity and distribution of Borrelia burgdorferi, the agent of Lyme Borreliosis in Grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) in Scotland.
Medical Research Council, £63,627, IHW - MRC/CSO SPHU, Dr L Gray (PI), Addressing non-response in health survey data to refine alcohol consumption estimates in Scotland.
Medical Research Council, £55,568 ,IHW - MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING, Prof S Cooper (PI),MRC PsySTAR Grant.
Medical Research Council,£52,878, INP - CENTRE FOR COGNITIVE NEUROIMAGING, Prof J Gross (PI),Building multi-site clinical research capacity in Magnetoencephalography (MEG).
Medical Research Scotland,£1,840, MVLS MED - REPRODUCTIVE & MATERNAL MED, Prof MA Lumsden (PI),A study on lifestyle risk factors, vascular reactivity and insulin resistance in young women with polycystic ovaries of South Asian and European origin.
Multiple Sclerosis Society,£102,018, III -IMMUNOLOGY, Prof C Linington (PI),The role of fibroblast growth factor-9 in the immunopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis.
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde,£18,066,IHW - MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING, Dr H Minnis (PI),Association between Reactive Attachment Disorder in Adolescence and Emerging.
National Cancer Research Institute,£16,766,ICS - CLINICAL TRIALS RESEARCH, Prof A Chalmers (PI),NCRI Deputy Chair of CTRad.
Oral and Dental Research Trust,£6,450, SM - DENTAL SCHOOL, Dr C Nile (PI),Development of a novel antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory oral healthcare product to prevent or treat periodontal disease.
Oral and Dental Research Trust,£3,283,SM - DENTAL SCHOOL, Dr C Nile (PI),Evaluating the clinical outcomes of denture stomatitis patients: impact of denture cleansers and biological properties of Candida spp.
Royal Society, £67,985, ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG, Prof DJ Paul, S&E P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Dr GD Hammond (PI), Making MEMS cool: a novel concept for a cryogenic gradiometer.
Royal Society, £15,000, ENG - ENGINEERING INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIR, Dr C Gauchotte-Lindsay (PI),Dr C Quince, Life in an anthropogenic extreme environment: Detection, identification and characterisation of microbial life in dense non-aqueous phase liquids of tar.
Royal Society, £14,550, S&E P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Dr J Taylor (PI),High speed flow field mapping in the embryonic zebrafish heart.
Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics Network,£34,520, LS - TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE ALLIANCE, Mrs A Hamilton (PI),STEM Clubs 2013-2015.
Scottish Crucible,£1,300,ENG - ENGINEERING SYSTEMS POWER & ENERGY, Dr H Mulvana (PI),Heriot-Watt University, Dr G Lloyd, Custom Bubbles.
Scottish Executive Health Department,£46,844, IHW - PUBLIC HEALTH, Dr D Mackay (PI),Prof J Pell, Evaluation of Impact of Anti Tobacco Mass Media Campaigns on Quitting, Smoking Prevalence and Smoking-related Health Outcomes in Scotland.
Scottish Funding Council,£500,000, SENIOR VICE PRINCIPAL, Prof NP Juster (PI),University Marine Biological Station Millport.
Scottish Government Justice Directorate,£51,345, IHW - GENERAL PRACTICE & PRIMARY CARE, Prof SW Mercer (PI),SPS ADMINISTRATION, Prof S Wyke, Mindfulness and young offenders.
Technical University of Denmark,£1,400, ENG - BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, Dr N Gadegaard (PI),Designing surfaces to include the differentiation of human embryonic stem cells.
Technology Strategy Board (TSB),£23,000, BUS - MANAGEMENT, Prof J Finch, MVLS MED -HUMAN NUTRITION, Prof ME Lean (PI),Making healthy tasty - improving uptake of healthy lunches for school pupils.
The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research,£67,828, ICS - BEATSON INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RES., Prof M Olson, ICS - PAUL O'GORMAN LEUKAEMIA RESEARCH C, Prof T Holyoake (PI),WeCan Clinical Research Fellowship.
The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research,£24,000, ICS - EPIGENETICS, Prof P Adams (PI),Lab Consumables.
The Kennel Club,£2,638, VET - SMALL ANIMAL CLINICAL SCIENCES,Ms K Pratschke (PI),Clinical research project for ECVS Residency program.
The Palaeotological Association,£5,950, SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHICAL & EARTH SCIENCES, Dr AJ Mcgowan (PI),Dr R Thomas, Determining whether damming of the River Kerry (NW Scotland) produced a deleterious growth spurt in threatened Margaritifera margaritifera population with high-precision dating methods.
The Palaeotological Association, £1,920, SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHICAL & EARTH SCIENCES, Dr AJ Mcgowan (PI),Introduction to Research Methods in Quantitative Palaeobiology.
The Secretary of State for Health, £11,504,IHW - MRC/CSO SPHU, Prof AH Leyland (PI),Statistical design of surveys (WIAT).
The William Lind Foundation, £10,000, ARCHIVE SERVICES,Ms LM Richmond (PI),Surveying Archive Records.
University of Durham, £3,000, P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Prof CM Buttar (PI),S&E P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Dr JE Ferrando, Mr AM Moraes, IPPP Associateships.
University of Durham, £3,000, S&E P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Dr C Englert (PI),IPPP Associateship Award.
University of Southampton,£5,000 , COM - COMPUTING SCIENCE, Dr C Macdonald, Dr I Ounis (PI),S&E P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Dr N Gray, Donation to fund an ongoing project within Computing Science - from existing grant 'Digital Economy IT as a Utility Network EP/K003569/1'.