12/08/13 - 25/08/13
Arts and Humanities Research Council,£311,235, SPS - CENTRAL & EAST EUROPEAN STUDIES,Prof RR Berry (PI),Dr C Mcmanus,LBAS Development Funding Phase II 2014-2016.
Arts and Humanities Research Council,£55,658, ARTS ACADEMIC AND STUDENT ADMIN,Mrs AJ Callander,CCA - MUSIC,Dr DJ Code (PI),British Library AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award.
Arts and Humanities Research Council,£55,658, CCA - THEATRE FILM AND TV STUDIES,Prof AC Scullion (PI),Cultural policy in Glasgow, 1970-1989 (AHRC CDA).
Arts and Humanities Research Council,£2,982, CCA - MUSIC, Prof MJ Cloonan (PI),The Cultural Value of Live Music: A Case Study of Enthusiast.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council,£243,769, ENG - BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING,Prof JM Cooper (PI),Dr J Reboud,13 TSB_ENDANI_MilkED: Development of a point of need diagnostic test for infectious disease in milk.
British Academy,£2,988, COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES ADMIN, Dr CW Knight (PI),SPS - POLITICS, Prof CJ Thornhill, Global distributive justice.
Cancer Research UK,£99,740, MVLS COLLEGE SENIOR MANAGEMENT,Prof AF Dominiczak,RI CANCER SCIENCES,Prof J Cassidy,Prof TR Evans,Prof KH Vousden (PI),MRes Pathology Students.
Cancer Research UK, £72,339, MVLS ICS - CLINICAL TRIALS UN. GARTNAVEL,Mr J Paul (PI),tranSCOT - sample collection for translational studies in colorectal cancer.
Economic & Social Research Council,£117,545, SPS - SOCIOLOGY,Prof FE Mcneill (PI),Lives sentenced: the punishment careers of persistent offenders.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£1,615,155, BUS - ECONOMICS,Dr A Subramanian,CHEM - CHEMISTRY,Prof D Gregory,ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG,Prof AR Knox (PI),Prof DJ Paul,ENG - ENGINEERING SYSTEMS POWER & ENERGY,Dr MC Paul,Scalable Solar Thermoelectrics and Photovaltaics (SUNTRAP).
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£1,538,917, ENG - BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING,Prof JM Cooper (PI),Advanced Diagnostics using Phononics.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £501,776, COM - COMPUTING SCIENCE,Dr SJ Gay,Dr WA Vanderbauwhede (PI),Exploiting Parallelism through Type Transformations for Hybrid Manycore Systems.
Epsom Medical Research Charity, £125,000 , Epsom Health Care NHS Trust,Dr LG Darlington,RI NEUROSCIENCE & PSYCHOLOGY,Prof TW Stone (PI),Pharmacology and rheumatoid research: amino acids, purine and kynurenines in inflammatory disorders.
European Commission, £667,467, SPS - CENTRAL & EAST EUROPEAN STUDIES,Dr C Mcmanus (PI),International Masters in Russian, Central and East European Studies.
European Commission, £217,355, ENG - BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING,Prof M Salmeron-Sanchez (PI),PROTDEL: Microfluidics-Generated Hydrogel Particles for Protein Delivery.
Health Technology Assessment, £79,216, IHW - HEALTH ECON & TECH ASSESSMENT, Dr ES Mcintosh (PI), A Randomised Controlled Trial of the Effectiveness of PDSAFE to prevent Falls among People with Parkinson's Disease.
Kidney Research UK,£39,851, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof AG Jardine, Dr P Mark (PI),Dr RK Patel, Dr N Tzemos, Detection of uraemic myocardial fibrosis with non-contrast cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.
Medical Research Council,£770,876, III - PARASITOLOGY, Prof PG Kennedy, Prof CM Turner, MVLS III - CENTRE FOR VIRUS RESEARCH, Prof SV Graham, Prof MJ Hosie, Prof RF Jarrett, Prof IM Morgan, Prof L Nasir, Prof JC Neil, Prof M Palmarini (PI), Prof BJ Willett, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Dr P Herzyk, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr R Biek, Prof S Cleaveland, Prof D Haydon, Prof RR Kao, VET - LARGE ANIMAL CLINICAL SCIENCES & PH, Prof ER Cameron, VET - VETERINARY BIOSCIENCES, Dr L Nicolson, Dr AW Philbey, Centre for Integrated Virology.
Medical Research Council, £156,668, MVLS III - CENTRE FOR VIRUS RESEARCH, Prof R Elliott (PI),Hantavirus reverse genetics and innate immune responses.
Medical Research Foundation, £426,176, MVLS III - CENTRE FOR VIRUS RESEARCH, Dr J Mclauchlan (PI),Dr AH Patel, Establishment of a Resource for Long-Term Study of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in the UK.
NHS Education for Scotland,£5,000, IHW - MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING, Prof JJ Evans (PI),Clinical Neuropsychology Course.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board,£229,538, RI INFECTION IMMUNITY & INFLAMMATION, Dr G Macgregor (PI),Clinical Fellow.
National Institute of Health,£76,786, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr HM Ferguson (PI),Prof D Haydon, Environmental and genetic basis of malaria transmitting behaviours in Anopheles arabiensis mosquitoes.
National Records of Scotland,£118,189, SM - DENTAL SCHOOL, Dr DI Conway (PI), Prof LM Macpherson, Dr A Mcmahon, 'LAC-Dental' (looked after children - dental cross sectoral record-linkage study).
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, £12,000, III - PARASITOLOGY, Dr HP De Koning (PI), Fellowship programme in Infection and Immunity.
Royal Society of Edinburgh,£43,625, S&E P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Dr D Maneuski (PI),Positron Counting Detector for Radiopharmaceutical Production
Royal Society of Edinburgh,£2,100, M&S - MATHEMATICS, Prof RW Ogden (PI),International Exchange Programme - IEP India - Incoming
Science & Technologies Facilities Council,£9,982, LS - TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE ALLIANCE, Dr RA Crawford (PI),3ml - A researcher story library that uses proven close reading techniques to improve pupil literacy in the English class, and adult literacy online.
Scottish Funding Council,£5,000, COM - COMPUTING SCIENCE, Dr AJ Morrison (PI),Logistics Tracking System.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £2,500, IS - INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES, Dr D Macleod (PI),Culture, sustainability and entrepreneurial activity in the new Biosphere Reserve, La Gomera, Spain.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £2,400, SPS - URBAN STUDIES, Dr W Wu (PI), Gentrification Effects of Transport Improvement Programs in an Emerging Economy: The case study of Beijing.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland,£1,000, BUS - ACCOUNTING & FINANCE, Prof Y Veld-Merkoulova (PI),Research in the USA on 'Can markets predict financial distress? An empirical examination of the effectiveness of bankruptcy prediction models'.
The Donkey Sanctuary,£0, III - PARASITOLOGY, Dr J Rodgers, VET - LARGE ANIMAL CLINICAL SCIENCES &PH,Dr D Sutton (PI),Efficacy of trypanocidal agents in field conditions in working equidae in The Gambia.
Wellcome Trust,£72,700, III - BACTERIOLOGY, Dr B Rodenko (PI),The 'Omics Road to a Parasite DUB Target-Lead Analysis Toolbox (ISSF Catalyst).
Wellcome Trust,£21,709, SPS - ECONOMIC & SOCIAL HISTORY, Prof MA Nicolson (PI),Medical Humanities Masters Studentship.
Wellcome Trust,£16,785, III - PARASITOLOGY, Prof MP Barrett, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr M Bellingham (PI),Prenatal programming of adult disease by maternal smoking: the adrenal gland as a key player? (ISSF).
World Health Organization,£4,860, MVLS III - CENTRE FOR VIRUS RESEARCH, Dr E Thomson (PI),Preparation of report on HCV Treatment Options for World Health Organisation.