11/02/13 - 24/02/13
Academy of Medical Sciences, £29,677, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Dr RC Myles (PI),Mechanisms of Early Afterdepolarisations in the Long QT Syndrome: A Study of Cellular Voltage and Calcium Dynamics in the Intact Heart
Arthritis Research UK,£98,965, III -IMMUNOLOGY, Dr M Macleod (PI),Control of T Cell retention at inflammatory sites.
Arts and Humanities Research Council,£36,694, CCA - THEATRE FILM AND TV STUDIES, Prof DE Heddon, VICE PRINCIPAL RESEARCH & ENTERPRISE, Dr EA Adams (PI),A Creative Enlightenment: a unique programme for enterprising researchers from the Arts and Humanities.
Beatson Oncology Centre, £7,272, SM - NURSING & HEALTHCARE, Dr LM Paul (PI),Miss A Rice, Evaluating the effect of a cooling aid on hot flushes and sleep disturbance in women receiving endocrine therapy for breast cancer: A pilot study.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £303,038, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Prof S Rosser, Prof WM Stark (PI),A platform for rapid and precise DNA module rearrangements in Synthetic Biology.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £15,067, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Prof RJ Cogdell (PI), Protein Stabilising Molecular Gels: Interfacing biological machinery with electronics for biosensing.
British Heart Foundation, £638,794, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof GL Smith (PI),The role of RyR cluster morphology in Ca2+ homeostasis.
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology,£2,000, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED,Dr DM Bailey (PI),Extension funding for Julissa Tapia Grimaldo from CEH.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£69,109, ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG, Dr B Choubey, Prof D Cumming (PI),Prof CN Ironside, Prof IG Thayne, Triple wavelength superspectral camera focal-plane array (SUPERCAMERA.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£68,159, P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Prof DG Ireland, Prof V O'Shea (PI),SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, Dr SL Pimlott, CRITICAL MASS: Collective radiation-beam-plasma interactions at high intensities.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£65,735, ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG, Prof JH Marsh, P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Prof A Harvey, P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY ADMINISTRATION, Prof AR Long, S&E P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Prof MA Hendry, VICE PRINCIPAL RESEARCH & ENTERPRISE,Ms M Kneafsey (PI), EPSRC Industrial Doctorate Centre: Optics and Photonics Technologies – EngD.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£16,449, COM - COMPUTING SCIENCE, Prof M Calder (PI),IAA-EPSRC: Staffing Costs (NATS).
Heriot Watt University,£5,434, CCA - MUSIC, Dr J Stanley (PI),MVLS MED -HUMAN NUTRITION, Dr E Combet Aspray, Tasty notes - exploring children's attitudes to foods via exposure to contemporary art music.
London Mathematical Society,£5,800, M&S - MATHEMATICS, Prof KA Brown (PI),Young Researchers in Mathematics 2013.
Medical Research Council, £1,011,365, MVLS GRADUATE SCHOOL, Ms M Barlass, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof M Maclean (PI), MRC Doctoral Training Grant 2013/14 and 2014/15.
Medical Research Council, £485,217, ICS - PAUL O'GORMAN LEUKAEMIA RESEARCH C, Dr AM Mccaig, Dr AM Michie (PI),MICA: Determining the therapeutic potential of targeting mTORC-1/2 in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia - a pre-clinical study.
Medical Research Council, £306,526, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr HM Ferguson (PI),Prof RR Kao, Defining the biomedical, environmental and social risk factors for human infection with Plasmodium knowlesi.
NHS Endowment Funds,£22,000, SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, Mr M Clancy (PI),Transplant and renal failure surgery endowment fund NHS GGC Endowment 721614
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde,£39,149, IHW - GENERAL PRACTICE & PRIMARY CARE,Prof SW Mercer (PI),An exploratory evaluation of the acceptability and effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in clients with recurrent depression with and without other co-morbid physical conditions.
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, £9,880, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Dr MO Riehle (PI),SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES, Prof AM Hart, Development of a Novel Surface Patterned Bioengineered Construct for Peripheral Nerve Repair Stage 1. Identification of Peripheral Nerve Repair Pathways through Systematic Genetic Screening.
Royal Society, £91,500, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Prof D Haydon (PI),Newton International Fellowship.
Royal Society, £15,000, ENG - BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, Prof JM Cooper, Dr J Reboud, ENG - ENGINEERING INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIR, Dr A Pinto (PI),Prof WT Sloan, A phage-based paper device for rapid detection of pathogen contamination in drinking water.
Royal Society, £5,500, MCSB - BIOCHEMISTRY & CELL BIOLOGY, Dr C Garcia-Mata, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY,Prof MR Blatt (PI),Effect of H2S on the regulation of guard cell ion channels.
Royal Society of Edinburgh,£6,000, CHEM - CHEMISTRY, Dr CN Moiras (PI),Non equilibrium engineering methods of functional metal oxides.
Royal Society of Edinburgh,£1,500, CCA - HISTORY OF ART, Dr A Quye (PI),Dirty Stories - What dirt from historic textiles can tell.
Scottish Executive Health Department,£143,281 ,IHW - GENERAL PRACTICE & PRIMARY CARE,Ms S Browne,Dr S Macdonald (PI),IHW - MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING,Dr K Robb,Improving early detection of colorectal cancer: the role of candidacy.
Scottish Executive Health Department,£6,646, IHW - GENERAL PRACTICE & PRIMARY CARE, Prof SW Mercer (PI),IHW - MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING, Prof CJ Williams, A feasibility study of Recovery versus Mindfulness models for Depression in Self-help help groups (REMoDES.
Scottish Executive Health Department, £983, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof NA Sattar (PI),Patterns of weight changes after diagnosis in patients with Type 2 Diabetes and their relationship with metabolic and cardiovascular outcomes.
Scottish Executive Health Department,£926 , IHW - GENERAL PRACTICE & PRIMARY CARE, Prof F Mair, IHW - ROBERTSON CENTRE, Prof I Ford (PI),RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof C Berry, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Trust, Dr TA McDonagh, SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, Prof H Dargie, Acquired Heart Valve Disease in Scotland: An epidemiological study.
Scottish Government - Health and Social Care Integration Dir,£110,000, IHW - MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING, Dr CA Melville (PI),Models of Learning Disability CAMHS Delivery.
Tenovus-Scotland,£5,000 , ICS - PAUL O'GORMAN LEUKAEMIA RESEARCH C, Dr AM Michie, Ms A Tarafdar (PI),Do CML stem cells actively evade the host immune response?
Tenovus-Scotland,£4,000, III - BACTERIOLOGY, Dr A Roe (PI),Characterisation of the role of AdhE in regulation of virulence in Escherichia coli O157:H7.
The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research,£69,522, ICS - EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS, Prof TR Evans (PI),WECAN Clinical Research Fellowship Funding.
The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research,£62,352, ICS - BEATSON INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RES., Prof M Olson, ICS - PAUL O'GORMAN LEUKAEMIA RESEARCH C, Prof T Holyoake (PI),We Can Clinical Research Fellowship.
The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research,£60,042 ,ICS - CLINICAL TRIALS RESEARCH, Prof HY Leung (PI),We Can Clinical Research Fellowship.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland,£2,200, CCA - HISTORY OF ART,Dr T Nichols (PI),Titian and the End of the Venetian Renaissance.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland,£1,660, MLC - ITALIAN, Dr P Morris (PI),Piccola posta: Advice columns in Italy.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland,£1,210, US - MUSEUM & ART GALLERY, Mrs A Dulau (PI),Research in the UK for the exhibition and its accompanying catalogue - A rational taste of resemblance - Allan Ramsay and the portraiture of learning.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland,£980, MLC - HISPANIC STUDIES, Dr N Gardner (PI),Text and image in the narrative of Elena Poniatowska.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland,£680, HU - ARCHAEOLOGY,Dr RE Jones (PI),Non-destructive Analysis of Samian Pottery from Roman Military Sites in Northern Britain.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland,£260, LS - LIFE SCIENCES ADMINISTRATION,Dr SA White (PI),The factors affecting the status of the Bearded Tit, Panurus biarmicus, population in the Tay Reedbeds, Scotland.
The Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain,£6,000, ED - CREATIVITY, CULTURE & FAITH,Prof JC Conroy (PI),Disunited Kingdom: Educational Policy and the Fracturing of the UK.
The Ronald Miller Foundation,£8,550, VET - LARGE ANIMAL CLINICAL SCIENCES &PH, Prof S Love (PI),Ronald Miller Postgraduate Scholarship.
Wellcome Trust,£5,000, CRIT - ENGLISH LITERATURE, Dr MJ Coyer (PI),Dr G Miller, Dr EK Reeder, Dr DE Shuttleton, Attentive writers: healthcare, authorship and authority.
Yorkhill Children's Foundation,£5,200, SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, Prof LT Weaver (PI),SCHOOL OF SOCIAL & POLITICAL SCIENCES, Dr I Hutchison, New History of Yorkhill.
Yorkhill Children's Foundation,£4,593, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Dr D Graham (PI),Abnormal uterine artery remodelling in the stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat.
Yorkhill Children's Foundation,£4,593, MVLS MED - MEDICAL GENETICS, Dr ES Tobias, MVLS MED - UNDERGRADUATE SCHOOL, Prof AC Rankin, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Dr CE Brown (PI),Dr C Delles, Understanding variability in phenotype, and assessing the risk of serious cardiac events, in women and children with long QT syndrome.