09/09/13 - 22/09/13
ABMU NHS TRUST,£22,305, RI INFECTION IMMUNITY & INFLAMMATION, Dr S Siebert (PI),Research costs associated with trial work
Arts and Humanities Research Council,£7,900, CRIT - SCOTTISH LITERATURE, Prof GC Carruthers (PI),The Reception and Critical Development of Robert Burns in 19th Century America.
Arts and Humanities Research Council,£5,400, HU - HISTORY, Dr M Moskowitz (PI),Standing in Reagan's Shadow: Liberal Strategies in a Conservative Age.
Arts and Humanities Research Council,£4,200, CRIT - ENGLISH LITERATURE, Prof M Schmidt (PI),Bodies of Work: unusual uses of the physical form of the book.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council,£416,746, COM - COMPUTING SCIENCE, Dr SD Rogers, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Prof MR Blatt (PI), Stomatal-based systems analysis of water use efficiency.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council,£2,500, VET - LARGE ANIMAL CLINICAL SCIENCES &PH, Dr D Sutton, VET - VETERINARY BIOSCIENCES, Dr P Yam (PI),Research Experience Placement.
British Academy, £8,855, SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHICAL & EARTH SCIENCES, Dr DJ Featherstone (PI), Subaltern Maritime Networks and the Formation of Transnational Spaces.
European Commission, £115,385, IHW - ROBERTSON CENTRE, Prof I Ford, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Dr C Delles (PI),Prof NA Sattar, HOMAGE: Heart OMics in AGEing.
Higher Education Academy, £500, LTC - ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT UNIT, Mrs S Ahmed (PI),Dr L Love, A Guide to Implementing Virtual Peer Assisted Learning (VPAL).
Marie Curie Cancer Care,£47,692, IHW - GENERAL PRACTICE & PRIMARY CARE, Dr M Bouamrane, Prof F Mair (PI),British Heart Foundation NHS GCC Paliative Care Heart Failure Services Models Study.
Mason Medical Research Foundation, £50,000, IHW - GENERAL PRACTICE & PRIMARY CARE, Prof SW Mercer, IHW - MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING, Dr J Langan-Martin, Dr D Smith (PI),Determinants of mortality and morbidity in major mental illness.
Medical Research Council,£181,580,RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Dr AM Miller (PI),Investigation into the role of IL-33-responsive natural helper cells in adipose tissue inflammation during obesity.
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation,£15,930,S&E P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Dr E Kontar (PI), PhD Studentship supported by the Russian Federation.
Multiple Sclerosis Society, £188,458, III -IMMUNOLOGY, Prof C Linington (PI), Specifity of demyeliminating autoantibodies in multiple sclerosis.
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, £215,000, BEATSON INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH, Dr M Drysdale, ICS - BEATSON INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RES., Prof M Olson, ICS - CLINICAL TRIALS RESEARCH, Prof A Chalmers (PI), INP - STROKE & BRAIN IMAGING, Dr WM Holmes, SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, Dr W Stewart, Developing and testing novel therapies targeting the invasive behaviour of human glioblastoma.
Renal Cancer Research Fund, £8,000, ICS - EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS, Dr J Edwards (PI),Research Donation.
Science & Technologies Facilities Council,£190,053, P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Prof CM Buttar (PI),ATLAS upgrade 2012.
Scottish Executive Health Department,£19,949, IHW - HEALTH ECON & TECH ASSESSMENT, Prof AH Briggs (PI),Dr O Wu, Health Economics Assessment of GOLD acute Stroke Technology.
The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research,£65,715, ICS - CLINICAL TRIALS RESEARCH, Prof HY Leung (PI), WeCan Clinical Research Fellowship.
The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research,£3,672, ICS - BEATSON INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RES., Prof OJ Sansom (PI),RI CANCER SCIENCES, Dr T Iwata, PhD Student Extension.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £850, M&S - STATISTICS, Dr DP Lee (PI), Collaboration in the USA on spatio-temporal disease clustering.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £770, CRIT - ENGLISH LITERATURE, Prof W Maley (PI),Dr RW Maslen, John Speed's Cartographies: An Annotated Bibliography, 1599-2013.
The Jockey Club, £30,000, SCHOOL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE, Dr MJ Denwood, VET - LARGE ANIMAL CLINICAL SCIENCES &PH, Dr T Parkin (PI), Developing predictive tools for injury during Thoroughbred racing in North America.
Wellcome Trust, £10,950, VET - UNDERGRADUATE VETERINARY SCHOOL, Dr C Loughrey (PI), Intercalated Award 2013.
Wellcome Trust, £10,950, VET - UNDERGRADUATE VETERINARY SCHOOL, Dr C Loughrey (PI), Intercalated Award 2013.
Wellcome Trust, £9,288, LS - BIOMOLECULAR SCIENCE, Dr KM O'Dell (PI), Building Superheroes: the Science of Superpowers.
Wellcome Trust, £3,498, III - PARASITOLOGY, Prof M Meissner (PI), Wellcome Open Access Award.