06/05/13 - 19/05/13
AO FOUNDATION,£30,120, ENG - BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, Dr N Gadegaard, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Dr MJ Dalby (PI),A Novel 3D Bone Regeneration Scaffold.
Big Lottery Scotland,£10,000, ED - TEACHING, Mrs JM Barlow (PI),Circle of Care.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council,£605,895, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Prof SA Davies, Prof JA Dow (PI),FlyAtlas2: a definitive, expanded NGS expression resource for the Drosophila community and beyond.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £440,626, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Prof MR Blatt (PI),Directed control of secretary vesicle fusion.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council,£2,500, LS - LIFE SCIENCES HUMAN BIOLOGY, Dr M Welsh (PI), Characterisation of the early programming effects of sex steroid hormones.
British Heart Foundation,£252,340, IHW - ROBERTSON CENTRE, Prof I Ford, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Dr KJ Hogg, Dr C Jackson, Prof JJ Mcmurray (PI), SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, Dr MC Petrie, Palliative Care Needs in Patients with Heart Failure.
British Heart Foundation,£100,000,RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof R Touyz (PI),Vascular Noxs as therapeutic targets and biomarkers in hypertension.
British Lymphology Society,£1,500,SM - NURSING & HEALTHCARE, Mrs R Davies (PI), The Development of a Self-Assessment Questionnaire on Lymphoedema Symptoms for Genitourinary Cancer Survivors.
British Society For Paediatric Endocrinology And Diabetes,£23,278, Middlesex Hospital, Dr P Hindmarsh, SM - FORENSIC MEDICINE, Dr MD Donaldson (PI), Southampton General Hospital, Dr P Betts, University of Cambridge, Professor DB Dunger, UK Turner study - a prospective UK collaborative study into growth promoting treatment for Turner syndrome.
Economic & Social Research Council,£6,759, ARTS ACADEMIC AND STUDENT ADMIN,Ms V Stringfellow, GES - GES ADMINISTRATION, Miss D Stewart, PSY - PSYCHOLOGY, Ms D Masson, S&E ACADEMIC & STUDENT ADMINISTRATION, Mrs P Duncan, SS ACADEMIC & STUDENT ADMINISTRATION, Miss L Stevenson, VICE PRINCIPAL RESEARCH & ENTERPRISE, Dr JR Townson (PI),Glasgow - ESRC Standard Research Transition Standard Competition DTG.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£321,756, ENG - ENGINEERING INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIR, Dr L Kaczmarczyk, Prof CJ Pearce (PI),Providing Confidence in Durable Composites (DURACOMP.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£10,000, S&E P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Prof V O'Shea (PI),SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, Dr SL Pimlott, IAA - EPSRC: Improving Radiopharmaceutical Production.
European Commission,£169,152, ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG,Prof R Hadfield (PI),ASCEND - Advanced SuperConducting devices for ENhanced infrared Detection.
Faclair na Gaidhlig,£2,692, HU - HUMANITIES ADMINISTRATION, Prof R O Maolalaigh (PI), Faclair na Gaidhlig Corpus.
Higher Education Academy,£750, CHEM - CHEMISTRY, Dr B Paschke (PI), Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) Scholarship Scheme Award.
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation,£334,231, IHW - ROBERTSON CENTRE, Prof I Ford, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof JR Petrie (PI), Prof NA Sattar, REMOVAL study: REducing with Metformin microvascular Outcomes and VAscular complications in T1DM.
Medical Research Scotland,£1,840, MVLS MED -HUMAN NUTRITION, Dr E Combet Aspray (PI),Studying the impact of ageing and disease on the colonic metabolism of dietary phytochemicals using advanced models of colonic fermentation.
Medical Research Scotland,£1,840, INP - CENTRE FOR COGNITIVE NEUROIMAGING, Prof J Gross (PI),Investigating the neural basis for checking, selective attention, and working memory in obsessive compulsive disorder, through MEG and TMS.
Medical Research Scotland,£1,840, S&E PSY - PSYCHOLOGY, Dr GA Rousselet (PI), Modelling 3D dynamic mental representations of facial expressions of emotion in the ageing brain.
Medical Research Scotland,£1,840, ICS - PAUL O'GORMAN LEUKAEMIA RESEARCH C, Dr H Wheadon (PI),Evaluating patient derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) for drug screening.
Medical Research Scotland,£1,610, III -IMMUNOLOGY, Dr SW Milling (PI),Characterisation of IL-23-producing cells in patients with spondyloarthritis.
Medical Research Scotland,£1,150, III -IMMUNOLOGY, Dr C Goodyear (PI),Evaluation of recombinant molecules for modulation of the myeloid compartment.
Mellow Parenting,£4,878, IHW - MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING, Dr H Minnis (PI), Salary Award.
Royal Astronomical Society,£1,080, SCHOOL OF PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Dr L Fletcher, Dr PJ Simoes (PI), A study of the evolution of accelerated electrons in solar flares using x-rays and microwave data.
Royal Society,£4,000, RI CANCER SCIENCES, Dr S Tait (PI), Prof KH Vousden, University Research Fellowship.
Scottish Executive Health Department,£138,755, SM - DENTAL SCHOOL, Prof J Bagg, Dr DI Conway (PI), HPV Oral Prevalence in Scotland - pilot/feasibility study.
Scottish Executive Health Department,£71,717, ICS - BEATSON INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RES., Prof KH Vousden, ICS - CLINICAL TRIALS RESEARCH, Prof A Chalmers, ICS - EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS, Prof TR Evans (PI),Prof N Keith, ICS - PAUL O'GORMAN LEUKAEMIA RESEARCH C, Prof T Holyoake, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, J Hair, RI CANCER SCIENCES, Prof J Cassidy, SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, Prof M Drysdale, Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC).
Society for General Microbiology, £1,860, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr R Biek (PI),The Distribution, Diversity and Prevalance of Borrelia burgdorferi, the agent of Lyme disease in Grey Squirrels (Sciurrus carolenensis) in Scotland.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £2,220, BUS - MANAGEMENT, Dr Y Tang (PI),Facilitating Entrepreneurship in Africa: A Study of the Effectiveness of Electronic Business Platforms.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £2,200, SPS - POLITICS, Dr B Valeriano (PI), Research in the US on Cyberwar - Realities, Myths, and Restraint in the Age of Information Warfare.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £1,000, HU - HISTORY, Dr G Cross (PI),The Meaning of Madingley - continuity and change at the Cambridge American Military Cemetery.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £960, SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHICAL & EARTH SCIENCES, Dr J Toney (PI),Gauging North Atlantic climate change through palaeoclimate lake records.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £930, CCA - THEATRE FILM AND TV STUDIES, Dr T Barker (PI), Experimental art, time and technology: A history of experiments with time in media art.
Universitas 21, £9,835, HR - HUMAN RESOURCES, Mrs CM Barr (PI),Paper on HR Academic Workforce Planning.
University of the West of Scotland, £15,000, III -IMMUNOLOGY,Prof WR Ferrell (PI),Funds to support UWS PhD Students Use of Facilities.
Wellcome Trust, £1,440, INP - NEUROSCIENCES &CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY,Prof AJ Todd (PI),Loss of dorsal horn inhibitory interneurons in a mouse model of itch.
Wellcome Trust, £1,440, LS - BIOMOLECULAR SCIENCE, Dr ME Bailey (PI), Optimising vector systems for gene therapy approaches in animal models of Rett syndrome.
Wellcome Trust, £1,440, S&E PSY - PSYCHOLOGY, Dr RE Jack (PI), Modelling a comprehensive mapping of culture-specific facial expression signals for social interaction and emotion communication.
Wellcome Trust, £1,440, S&E PSY - PSYCHOLOGY, Prof PG Schyns (PI), Modelling culture-specific dynamic mental representations of central social traits.
Wellcome Trust, £1,440, S&E PSY - PSYCHOLOGY, Dr GA Rousselet (PI), Modelling 3D dynamic mental representations of facial expressions of emotion in the ageing population.
Wellcome Trust, £1,440, S&E PSY - PSYCHOLOGY, Dr LI Morrow (PI), Cognitive bias modification targeting selective attention in high and low anxious participants - comparing differential attention to positive and neutral words in reducing anxiety.
Wellcome Trust,£1,440, S&E PSY - PSYCHOLOGY, Prof FE Pollick (PI),Testing a new quantitative model of audiovisual integration in an autism population.
Wellcome Trust,£1,260, III - BACTERIOLOGY, Dr G Douce (PI), Phenotypic analysis of clinical isolates of Clostridium difficile ribotype 078.
World Health Organization,£10,047, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED,Prof S Cleaveland (PI),Creating a 'one medicine' paradigm shift in human rabies prevention through dog rabies control and eventual elimination.
Yorkhill Children's Foundation,£9,843, MVLS MED -HUMAN NUTRITION, Dr E Combet Aspray (PI), SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, Dr MD Donaldson, Iodine status and thyroid function in Scottish neonates; relationship with maternal iodine intake.