02/12/13 to 15/12/13
Arts and Humanities Research Council, £297,793, HU - PHILOSOPHY, Prof F Macpherson (PI),'Rethinking the Senses'?
Arts and Humanities Research Council, £43,215, SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHICAL & EARTH SCIENCES, Dr S Naylor (PI), 'Spaces of experience and horizons of expectation': the implications of extreme.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £384,687, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Prof NJ Bulleid (PI), Identifying the reductive pathway in the mammalian endoplasmic reticulum.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £260,142, INP - CENTRE FOR COGNITIVE NEUROIMAGING, Dr M Philiastides (PI), Spatiotemporal characterization of value judgments and reward processing in the
Chang'an University,£15,000, SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHICAL & EARTH SCIENCES, Dr Z Li (PI),Mapping active faults in Taiyuan using inSAR measurements.
Danish Agency for Science, Technology, and Innovation,£155,627 ,IHW - MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING, Prof AI Gumley (PI),Dr H Minnis, Transmission of risk in schizophrenia spectrum disorder: the mediating and moderating effects of attachment and early mother infant interaction.
Economic & Social Research Council, £1,000, SCHOOL OF SOCIAL & POLITICAL SCIENCES, Mr D Mcnulty (PI),ESRC Festival of Social Science 2013 - The Challenges Facing Housing Bodies in Scotland.
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council,£322,236, CHEM - CHEMISTRY,Prof G Cooke (PI),Self-assembled organic photovoltaic materials.
European Commission,£343,790, ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG,Prof IG Thayne (PI),Compose3.
European Commission,£236,414, III - PARASITOLOGY, Prof MP Barrett (PI),Dr LC Ranford-Cartwright, LAPASO.
Guthrie Trust,£800, US CENTRE FOR OPEN STUDIES, Dr M Park (PI),Images of cholera patients, 1831-1832.
ML MacIntyre Begonia Res Schol Trust, £53,408, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Prof RD Page (PI),Begonia genomics and niche diversity.
Medical Research Council,£453,594,IHW - MRC/CSO SPHU, Prof K Hunt, IHW - PUBLIC HEALTH, Dr E Demou, Prof EB Macdonald, Dr D Mackay (PI),Prof J Pell, Exploring the Impact of pensions on working lifetimes and subsequent longevity.
Medical Research Council,£189,083, ICS - PATHOLOGY, Prof A Chalmers (PI), Overcoming treatment resistance in glioblastoma multiforme by tumour specific inhibition of DNA repair.
Medical Research Council,£47,449, INP - CENTRE FOR COGNITIVE NEUROIMAGING, Prof J Gross (PI),Building multi-site clinical research capacity in Magnetoencephalography (MEG).
Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation,£15,094, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Dr C Delles (PI),Ms L Sungatullina, Studies into the role of microparticles in cardiovascular diseases.
National Institute of Health,£22,549, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Prof JA Dow (PI),Improving stone disease treatment by accurate phenotyping and risk stratification.
Royal Society of Edinburgh,£18,008, HU - HISTORY, Prof L Abrams (PI),Dr M Moskowitz, Knitting in the Round: Hand-Knitted Textiles and the Economies of Craft in Scotland.
Royal Society of Edinburgh,£14,265, CRIT - ENGLISH LANGUAGE, Prof CA Hough (PI),Cognitive Toponymy: People and Places in Synergy.
Royal Society of Edinburgh,£8,722, CCA - THEATRE FILM AND TV STUDIES, Dr KM Champion, Dr LE Kelly (PI),Shaping Scotland's Talent: Change, Flexibility and New Pathway's in the Screen Industries.
Royal Society of Edinburgh,£5,030, CRIT - THEOLOGY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES, Dr S Yazaki (PI),Jewish-Christian-Muslim relations - A.S. Yahuda and his career.
Royal Society of Edinburgh,£1,580, SCHOOL OF SOCIAL & POLITICAL SCIENCES, Prof CJ Berry (PI),The Virtues of a Commercial Society.
Science & Technologies Facilities Council,£2,399, S&E P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Prof MA Hendry (PI),STFC Doctoral Training Grant 2012-17.
Science & Technologies Facilities Council,£0,P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Prof AT Doyle (PI),Long term attachments – CCLRC.
Scottish Executive Health Department,£162,558, III - PARASITOLOGY, Prof MP Barrett, III -IMMUNOLOGY, Dr C Goodyear, Prof I Mcinnes, Dr D Porter (PI),RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Dr P Herzyk, The use of polyomic analyses to direct biologic therapy in biologic-naive people with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Scottish Funding Council,£414,284, III -IMMUNOLOGY, Mr NL Millar (PI),The role of microRNA 29 in tendon disease.
Scottish Funding Council, £561, ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG, Prof AR Knox (PI),Domestic-scale thermal storage using phase change materials and heat pumps.
The Beatson Oncology Centre Fund,£60,000, ICS - EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS, Prof TR Evans (PI),Medical Oncology Research Donation.
The Big Lottery Fund, £5,243, IHW - MRC/CSO SPHU, Prof S Harding (PI),Breast Cancer Care.
The Brain Tumour Charity,£177,375,BEATSON INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH, Dr M Drysdale, ICS - BEATSON INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RES., Prof M Olson, INP - STROKE & BRAIN IMAGING, Dr WM Holmes, MED - CLINICAL SPECIALITIES, Dr W Stewart, RI CANCER SCIENCES, Prof A Chalmers (PI),Developing and testing novel therapies targeting the invasive behaviour of human glioblastoma.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £2,500, HU - CLASSICS, Dr C Panayotakis (PI), Editing the Fragments of low farcical drama in the Roman Republic.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £2,500, MLC - SLAVONIC STUDIES, Dr A Rogatchevski (PI), Research in the USA on Russian-language Israeli periodicals in the Harvard University Library.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £2,446, IS - INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES, Prof SF Johnston (PI), Holograms: A Cultural History.
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £2,081, BUS - MANAGEMENT, Dr V Cerretano (PI), Reshaping Global Economic Governance :the International Trade Organisation and International Cartels, 1941-1950.
The Modern Law Review, £10,000, LAW - LAW, Prof M Furse (PI),SCHOOL OF LAW, Prof RM Greaves, Modern Law Review Scholarships.
University of Strathclyde, £15,000, S&E P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Prof MJ Padgett, SCHOOL OF PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Prof A Harvey (PI),CENSIS - SFC: Correction of optical aberrations for improved image quality in Optos scanning laser opthalmoscopes.
Urban Studies Foundation, £356,000, SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHICAL & EARTH SCIENCES, Prof AD Cumbers, Prof R Paddison, Prof JP Sharp (PI),Senior Research Fellowships in Urban Studies
West of Scotland Orthopaedic Research Society, £1,000, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Dr MJ Dalby (PI),Project.
Yorkhill Children's Charity, £65,000, MED - CLINICAL SPECIALITIES, Dr F Ahmed (PI),YCC Clinical Research Fellowship