27/06/2011 - 11/07/2011

Aristotelian Society, £300, Philosophy, Prof F Macpherson (PI), The Metaphysics of Mind

British Academy, £300, Economics, Dr M Spaliara (PI), 2011 European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) Conference - How does financial pressure affect firm survival? Evidence from the UK firms during the recent financial crisis

British Heart Foundation, £1,134,216, Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, Prof AH Baker (PI), BHF Chair of Translational Cardiovascular Sciences

Cambridge Policy Consultants Ltd, £20,636, Management, Prof A McGregor (PI), Evaluation of Greater Manchester City Strategy - Phase 2

Cancer Research UK, £194,794, Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology, Prof G Gould (PI), Investigation of the role of Syntaxin 16 and mVps45 in cytokinesis

Carnegie UK Trust, £40,000, Mathematics, Dr MA Bees (PI), Dr OA Croze, Developing general models of swimming microalgae as design tools for biofuel production engineering

Carnegie UK Trust, £2,200, Archaeology, Dr C Glatz (PI), Cide Archaeological Project - The Bronze Age

Danish Research Council, £24,246, Institute of Biodiversity Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, Dr L Matthews (PI), Modelling microbial resistance

Economic & Social Research Council, £17,858, Sociology, Dr C Lightowler (PI), Improving the use of research in the third sector: Lessons for academia and practice

Glagow & Clyde Weight Management Service, £1,400, Computing Science, Dr L Azzopardi, General Practice and Primary Care, Dr M Bouamrane (PI), Prof F Mair, Undergraduate Student Summer Internship

Historic Scotland, £45,000, Archaeology, Dr K Brophy, Dr E Campbell, Prof ST Driscoll (PI), Strathearn Environs and Royal Forteviot (SERF)

Leverhulme Trust, £8,714, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Prof NA Peacock (PI), Framing Moliere on the Screen

Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, £2,000, Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology, Dr N Bryant (PI), Investigation of the consequences of Munc18c phosphorylation on SNARE complex assembly

Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, £2,000, Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology, Prof DG Monckton (PI), Understanding the age-dependent progression of myotonic dystrophy

ML MacIntyre Begonia Res Schol Trust, £52,029, Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology, Dr AD Amtmann (PI), Stomatal clustering in Begonia - its developmental, physiological and ecophysiological implications

Medical Research Council, £300,900, MVLS College Academic and Student Administration, Miss KC McCluskey, Vice Principal Research and Enterprise, Ms M Kneafsey (PI), MRC Doctoral Training Grant 2011-2015

National Institute of Health (USA), £195,448, Institute of Cancer Sciences, Prof P Adams (PI), Epigenetics of Aging and Age-associated Diseases: Epigenetic control of osteogenesis and senescence in mesenchymal progenitor cells

Neurosciences Foundation, £9,127, Clinical Specialties, Dr A Fagan, Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, Dr GA Deuchar, Prof IM Macrae (PI),Dr C McCabe, School of Medicine, Dr C Santosh, Sodium imaging following an 'Oxygen Challenge' to assess function of the N/K ATP pump following ischaemia to demonstrate membrane integrity: A novel technique to identify the functional 'Penumbra'?

Royal Society of Edinburgh, £3,575, Physics and Astronomy, Dr S Reid (PI),Prof S Rowan, The Universe seen through gravitational waves,

Royal Society of Edinburgh, £800, Mathematics, Prof KA Brown (PI), Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry

The Ogden Trust, £1,600, Physics and Astronomy, Prof AT Doyle, Dr A Robson (PI), Technology and Science Alliance, Dr RA Crawford, CERN Visit - Schools Competition 2011

The Prostate Cancer Charity, £150,812, Institute of Cancer Sciences, Prof HY Leung (PI), Synergistic interaction between Sprouty2 loss and PI3K/AKT activation in prostate carcinogenesis