21/11/2011 - 04/12/2011

Arthritis Research UK, £120,100, Infection Immunity and Inflammation Life Sciences, Prof I McInnes, Infection Immunity and Inflammation Medicine, Dr C Goodyear, Dr SW Milling (PI), School of Medicine, Dr DW McCarey, School of Medicine Administration, Dr A McEntegart, Dendritic Cells in Ankylosing Spondylitis

Arts and Humanities Research Council, £449,611, Music, Prof MJ Cloonan (PI), The Musicians' Union: A Social History

Arts and Humanities Research Council, £85,374, History of Art, Dr G Warwick (PI), Sculpture in Painting - Medial Translations in Renaissance Art

Arts and Humanities Research Council, £68,375, Philosophy, Prof F Macpherson (PI), Perception, Imagination, and the Nature of Experience

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £427,430, Institute of Biodiversity Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, Prof S Cleaveland (PI), Prof D Haydon, School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, Mr MC Shand, Prof JP Sharp, Impact, ecology and social determinants of bacterial zoonoses in northern Tanzania

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £154,764, Centre for Virus Research, Dr T Rich (PI), Veterinary Biosciences, Prof JC Patterson-Kane, Preventing heat stress-induced premature aging of cellular populations in energy storing tendons of elite athletes: the gap junction connection

British Academy, £3,670, Economics,Dr J Tsoukalas (PI), On the dynamics of investment and the sources of business cycles in multisector macroeconomic models

British Heart Foundation, £2,309, Infection Immunity and Inflammation Medicine, Prof FY Liew, Dr AM Miller (PI), Interleukin-33: A Novel Cytokine in the Inflammation of Atherosclerosis and Obesity

DSTO Canberra, £105,000, Aerospace Sciences, Dr D Anderson, Dr DG Thomson (PI), Novel Modelling and Simulation Techniques for Helicopter Operations Research

Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £500,000, Chemistry, Prof G Cooke, Prof L Cronin (PI), Prof JE McGrady, Dr M Murrie, Electronic and Nanoscale Engineering, Prof AM Asenov, Prof D Cumming, Prof DJ Paul, Physics and Astronomy, Dr DA MacLaren, University of Oxford, Professor J McGrady, Molecular-Metal-Oxide-nanoelectronicS (M-MOS): Achieving the Molecular Limit

Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £38,570, Cognitive Neuroimaging & Neuroengineering Technologies, Prof P Belin, Computing Science, Prof MA Girolami, Statistics, Prof AW Bowman (PI), Cross-Disciplinary Feasibility Account: Computational Statistics and Cognitive Neuroscience

Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £21,434, Biomedical Engineering, Prof JM Cooper, Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, Dr MA Craig, Prof GL Smith (PI),KTA-EPSRC: Design and production of demo prototype of CellOPTIQ

Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £11,799, Physics and Astronomy, Prof AJ Craven, Dr I MacLaren (PI), The atomic resolution chemical structure of defects in multiferroic oxides

Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £8,506, Computing Science, Dr HC Purchase (PI), Dr JP Siebert, Psychology, Dr DR Simmons, Bridging the Gap-EPSRC: Measuring complexity of images - an HCI study of visual perception of complexity

Epsom Medical Research Charity, £30,000, Epsom Health Care NHS Trust, Dr LG Darlington, Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, Prof TW Stone (PI), Pharmacology and rheumatoid research: amino acids, purine and kynurenines in inflammatory disorders

Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research, £133,360, Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, Prof E Gottlieb, Paul O'Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre, Dr KR Kranc (PI), The role of IDH mutations in normal and malignant haemopoiesis

National Institute for Health Research, £9,983, Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment, Mrs KA Boyd, Dr EA Fenwick (PI), Dr MP Neilson, Value of information analysis of TAVI

National Institute of Health, £129,927, Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, Dr J Dawson, Prof KR Lees (PI), Dr TJ Quinn, Robertson Centre, Prof I Ford, Prof JD Norrie, Clot Lysis: Evaluating Accelerated Resolution of IVH Phase III (CLEAR 3)

Natural Environment Research Council, £31,594, Infrastructure and Environment, Dr GH Karunarathna (PI), iCOAST Integrated COASTal sediment systems

North Ayrshire Council, £23,700, Training and Employment Research Unit, Prof A McGregor (PI), Research Support for North Ayrshire Economic Development and Regeneration board

Science & Technologies Facilities Council, £440,881, Physics and Astronomy, Dr GD Hammond, Prof S Rowan, Prof KA Strain (PI), Prof G Woan, School of Physics and Astronomy, Prof J Hough, Proposal for UK Involvement in the Operation of Advanced LIGO

The British Society for Haematology, £7,000, Paul O'Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre, Dr HG Jorgensen, Dr AM McCaig (PI), Dr AM Michie, Investigation of synthetic low-density lipoprotein (sLDL) as a novel drug delivery system to overcome chemoresistance of proliferating CLL cells

The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, £2,000, Systems Power and Energy, Prof MP Cartmell (PI), Reciprocal research visits between University of Tokyo and University of Glasgow

The Waterloo Foundation, £5,000, General Practice and Primary Care, Dr PM Wilson (PI), Predictors of child psychopathology identifiable in infancy: analysis of video data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)

Wellcome Trust, £1,883, Neurosciences and Clinical Psychology, Prof AJ Todd (PI), Wellcome Open Access Award