04/04/2011 - 17/04/2011

Arts and Humanities Research Council, £561,874, English Literature, Dr DE Shuttleton (PI), The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh

Beatson Endowment Fund, £654, 857, Clinical Trials Research, Prof A Chalmers (PI), Funding Request for Laboratory Equipment

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £2,500, Institute of Biodiversity Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, Prof PJ O'Shaughnessy (PI), BBSRC Student Research Placement,

British Pigeon Fanciers Medical Research, £20,833, School of Medicine, Dr C McSharry (PI), Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis

Cancer Research UK, £58,635, Institute of Cancer Sciences, Ms CA Bray, Prof TR Evans (PI), Mr J Paul, Phase I/IIA Study of AZD4547 in Combination with Cisplatin and Capecitabine (CX)

Chest, Heart & Stroke, Scotland, £56,763, Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, Dr C Berry (PI), Prof NA Sattar, Robertson Centre, Dr A McConnachie, A randomised controlled trial of the effect of remote ischaemic conditioning on coronary endothelial function in patients with angina

Culture and Sport Glasgow, £3,000, Social Justice Place and Lifelong Education, Mr R Purcell (PI), Glasgow Life Kelvin Smith Scholarship supplement

Economic & Social Research Council, Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, Dr C Scheepers (PI), Dynamic mental representations

Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £589,217, Electronic and Nanoscale Engineering, Prof D Cumming (PI), Dr T Drysdale, Dr JP Grant, Monolithic Resonant TeraHertz Detectors

Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £80,246, Physics and Astronomy, Dr G Gibson, Prof MJ Padgett (PI), Optical Tweezers at Long Range and High Pressure (Creativity @ Home)

Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £64,686, Gravitational Research, Prof N Robertson, Heriot-Watt University, Professor G Buller, Dr I Galbraith, Professor D Greenhalgh, Professor K McKendrick, Professor D Reid, Professor RJ Warburton, Institute of Photonics,  University of Strathclyde, Dr D Burns, Dr M Dawson, Professor A Ferguson, Dr JM Girkin, Dr G McConnell, Professor E Riis, Physics and Astronomy, Dr GD Hammond, Prof J Hough, Prof S Rowan (PI), Dr CI Torrie, University of St Andrews, Dr C Brown, Dr. K Dholakia, Professor TF Krauss, Professor A Miller, Professor I Samuel, Prof W Sibbett, Stanford-Scotland Photonics innovation collaboration

European Commission, £179,691, Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre, Prof RM Ellam (PI), K:ACCURATE-Potassium:Absolute Chronologies Calibrated Using Really

Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research, £135,887, Institute of Cancer Sciences, Dr H Wheadon (PI), Human embryonic stem cells as a model for understanding transcriptional regulation of Myeloproliferative neoplasms

Leverhulme Trust, £255,234, School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, Prof M Cusack (PI), Dr NA Kamenos, Dr V Phoenix, Biomineralisation - protein and mineral response to ocean acidification

Medical Research Council, £396,520, Infection Immunity and Inflammation Medicine, Prof G Graham, Dr CS McKimmie (PI), Dr SW Milling, University of Edinburgh, Dr J Fazakerely, Chemokine-mediated innate immune responses to arthropod bites and their viruses

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, £11,175, Paul O'Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre, Dr D Irvine (PI), Development of a Biomarker Assay of Hedgehog Pathway Activity in Haematological Malignancies,

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, £39,532, General Practice and Primary Care, Dr PM Wilson (PI), Characterising neurodevelopmental problems identified at a universal nurse contact with 30-months-old children

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, £10,632, General Practice and Primary Care, Prof G Watt (PI), Administration of MIDSPAN study

Parkinson's Disease Society, £832,754, School of Medicine, Dr D Grosset (PI), PROBAND: Parkinson's repository of biosamples and networked datasets

Royal Astronomical Society, £1,080, Physics and Astronomy, Dr M Battaglia (PI), X-ray and UV study of the sizes and relative positions of solar flare sources

Science & Technologies Facilities Council, £3,135,409, Gravitational Research, Prof N Robertson, Physics and Astronomy, Dr AS Bell, Dr GD Hammond, Dr MA Hendry, Dr IS Heng, Dr S Hild, Prof J Hough, Dr S Reid, Prof S Rowan (PI), Prof KA Strain, Dr CI Torrie, Dr H Ward, Prof G Woan, Investigations in Gravitational Radiation

Science & Technologies Facilities Council, £4,530, Physics and Astronomy, Dr P Soler (PI), Proposal for UK participation in Phase II of the international muon ionisation cooling experiment

Scottish Executive Health Department, £207,855, Bristol University, Professor DA Lawlor, Dr SM Ring, Dr K Tilling, Centre for Population and Health Sciences, Prof S Nelson (PI), Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, Dr RS Lindsay, Prof NA Sattar, Robertson Centre, Dr A McConnachie, Maternal thyroid status and offspring development

Scottish Executive Health Department, £45,553, Life-course Nutrition and Health, Prof S Nelson, Public Health, Dr D Mackay, Prof J Pell (PI), Impact of Scotlands smoke free legislation on pregnancy complications

Scottish Mental Health Research Network, £33,861, Cambridge University, Professor PB Jones, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Prof AI Gumley (PI), University of Birmingham, Professor M Birchwood, University of East Anglia, Professor D Fowler, University of Manchester, Professor R Bentall, Ms LM Davies, Professor G Dunn, Mr P French, Professor SW Lewis, Dr AP Morrison, Early detection and psychological intervention for individuals at high risk of psychosis

The Biochemical Society, £1,600, Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology, Prof G Gould (PI), Role of tethers in Glut4 spacial dynamics

The Glasgow Mathematical Journal Trust Fund, £1,200, Mathematics, Dr TS Leinster (PI), Scottish Category Theory Seminar 2011

The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, £1,500, Theatre Film and Television Studies, Dr D Eleftheriotis (PI), Undiscovered Post war Japan: a Japanese Film

The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, £1,000, Infrastructure and Environment, Dr GH Karunarathna (PI), Coastal Structures (Conference)

The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, £1,000, School of Medicine, Dr K Mullen (PI), One day workshop as part of MEDC Conference at Gifu University

The Mind Association, £2,530, Philosophy, Dr F Macpherson (PI), The Metaphysics of Mind Conference

The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, £1,150, Museum and Art Gallery, Mr P Black (PI), Rembrandt's 'Entombment' in focus

Wellcome Trust, £156,620, Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, Prof RH Insall (PI), Dr A Muinonen-Martin, Chemotaxis in melanoma metastasis

World Health Organization, £8,692, Institute of Biodiversity Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, Prof S Cleaveland (PI), Creating a 'one medicine' paradigm shift in human rabies prevention through dog rabies control and eventual elimination

Yorkhill Children's Foundation, £9,950, Life-course Nutrition and Health, Prof CA Edwards, Dr K Gerasimidis (PI), Gut microbiota and energy from colonic fermentation of carbohydrate in children with simple and pathological obesity; cause or effect