The task set for six secondary schools in the West End of Glasgow was to bid to build the University of Glasgow’s new Learning and Teaching Hub.

Going head to head: the finalists of the Multiplex ILP

The teams had to create their own construction company; assign roles within the team; research the Employer’s Requirements from the bid documentation; and demonstrate how they would meet them.

Last week, the finals of the Independent Learning Programme – the flagship secondary schools engagement programme run by Multiplex, the University’s main contractor for its campus development – were hosted by the University.
Held in the Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre.  Teams from Cleveden Secondary, Hillhead High, Hyndland Secondary, John Paul Academy, Knightswood Secondary, and Notre Dame High presented their bids to a team of independent judges chaired by Peter Haggarty, Chairman of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors and also the University’s Director: Construction and Facilities Management, Estates and Commercial Services.

Each of the school teams was allocated a mentor from either Multiplex, its sub-contractor Careys, or the University of Glasgow.

Pupils’ creative ideas for the Learning and Teaching Hub included: transitional windows that dim strong sunlight; “smart” doors that count the number of students in the building; a rainwater harvesting system; a water mill project in the nearby River Kelvin to produce renewable electricity; and naming rooms after famous Glaswegians and inspirational women, including Mary Barbour who led rent strikes in Govan.

Multiplex ILP final 700

The team from John Paul Academy were named the winners. They were judged to have met the criteria of the ILP brief particularly well, focusing on health and safety, fire-resistant cladding, geothermal and solar energy, and 5G data provision. One member of the team, Marc Neilson, said the competition had inspired him to look for a career in construction; many other participants said the same.


First published: 3 April 2018