Performance and Development Review 2015-16 is now complete, with system improvements continuing and further feedback welcomed, say the HR Performance and Reward team.

Dear Colleagues,

Following completion of the PDR process for 2015-16, we wanted to extend our sincere thanks for your patience and understanding during the implementation period for our new online PDR module on CoreHR Self Service.

As with any new system, we are very aware that some of you experienced some challenges in utilising online PDR and we endeavoured throughout the process to minimise any impact of these issues on the user experience. The feedback you have offered on PDR has been invaluable, and has helped us to make continual improvements in order to offer a more useful and robust PDR process for all participants.

We have outlined below some of the key topics which have been fed back, and the work we have done to address and resolve these concerns:

Issue Action
Duplicate team member entries showing on the Manager Dashboard This issue has been addressed by Core, and has been resolved. 
Closing the objectives pop up using the top right ‘X’, and losing completed data (instead of clicking ‘save’, and then exiting)  An additional ‘save’ button has been added at the top right of the box, adjacent to the ‘x’, to highlight the requirement to save before exiting. 
Email notifications not fully functional All email notifications, for each stage of progress, to both the reviewer and the reviewee and are now fully functional.
Time out issues, resulting in lost data

Improvements to address this issue have been made by the University, and CoreHR. 

We have minimised the number of background processes running on the system, and Core have set the system so that any activity on Self Service will keep the account active and retain the input data. 

Continuing Action

As well as the action taken to address the issues above, there are a number of further refinements to the module and process currently in progress. Alongside ongoing work to improve the general efficacy of the system, key areas of focus include:

• Creating better differentiation between the preceding and current year’s objectives
• Consideration of the development of bespoke forms for each academic career track, which will require only one overview to be completed, not multiple as currently required
• A review of the balance of focus between performance and development during the PDR

In addition, the ITS team here at the University of Glasgow are currently in the process of installing two new servers which will host CoreHR Self Service, and will result in greater stability and responsiveness when using system.

Further Feedback

If you have encountered other issues not addressed above during the PDR process, or you have any suggestions for further improving the process, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by emailing:

Our thanks once again for your ongoing patience during the implementation of this new process, and for your continued feedback.

Lesley Cummings
Head of Performance, Pay and Reward

Ann Hastings
Human Resources Operations Manager

First published: 7 November 2016