The student population in general is the age-group most likely to contract meningitis. The University, through the Barclay Medical Practice, works closely with Public Health Scotland to ensure we adopt suitable protocols for minimising the number of cases of this illness.

This is achieved through alerting new students to the benefits of vaccination prior to attending the University and offering the Meningitis C vaccine to all students when they first arrive, as well as having in place suitable protocols to respond to suspected cases of meningitis and liaising on their management with Public Health Scotland.

Should a suspected or confirmed case of meningitis be drawn to your attention, please contact the Gatehouse in person or phone 0141 330 4444

Staff there will contact Dr. Des Spence, University Medical Officer, or one of his colleagues, who will call you back so you can provide them with details of the affected person so that they can advise the University on any precautionary measures which should be taken and liaise with Public Health Scotland.

Know the signs:

Meningitis signs poster

First published: 25 January 2016

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