Have you ever wondered how to pronounce the Gaelic on the bilingual signs that are appearing around the campus?

If so, why not come along to one of the informal training sessions being hosted by the University’s Gaelic Language Initiative? You will not only learn how to pronounce these signs during the session but will also pick up a few basic phrases in Gaelic for use in email and conversation.

You do not need to have any prior knowledge of Gaelic to attend the sessions.

Free tea and coffee will be provided, and you are welcome to bring lunch along with you if you wish!

Two sessions will be held ahead of the University’s annual Gaelic Language Day which is due to take place on Friday 6 March. Full details of the Gaelic Language Day programme will be featured in the next issue of Campus News.

Wednesday 4th March 1-2pm Arts Meeting Room, 6 University Gardens

Thursday 5th March 1-2pm Arts Meeting Room, 6 University Gardens

Please e-mail Fiona Dunn to book a place, stating which session you would like to attend, and what area of the University you study/work in. *Booking essential*

Fàilte chrìdheil air luchd-obrach & oileanaich air fad -- All staff and students very welcome!

First published: 13 February 2015