Concert For Cancer : A Fundraising Night
Published: 10 August 2015
Hear music from the Ayoub Sisters and Christian Schneeberger while helping to raise money for the children’s cancer hospital in Cairo.
When: Saturday 29August at 7.30pm
Where: St Mary’s Cathedral, Great Western Road, Glasgow
Programme includes :
- Music from the Ayoub Sisters : Winners of The Big Music Project 2015
- Christian Schneeberger, Tenor
- Hanan Atalla, A talk on Egypt; land of the Pharaohs
- Raffle and silent auction
All proceeds go to the children’s cancer hospital in Cairo
One of the event organisers Professor Ashraf Ayoub, Professor of Oral Surgery said: "I was very impressed with the clinical care delivered at the Children Cancer Hospital in Cairo, Egypt despite their limited resources.
"I was surprised to discover the hospital does not receive any governmental funding, they sustain their clinical activities, exclusively, on donations and provide free treatment for all!
"All the proceedings from the concert will go directly to this incredibly worthy cause."
Tickets: £15 (includes cakes and refreshments) under 12 free
To reserve tickets contact:; 07501588364
First published: 10 August 2015
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