International Recruitment Updates
Published: 11 September 2014
Some news of activity with international recruitment etc.
International recruitment activities have now begun for academic session 2015/16, with early visits to Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, to mention only a few. In addition our overseas International Officers are now fully engaged in local recruitment activities across the USA, India, China, Malaysia and Singapore, writes John Leabody.
EAIA Conference
Ian Thomson, Head of the International Office, will be attending the EAIA Conference in Prague between the 15th and 18th September 2014. EAIE is the second largest annual global education conference, and next year it will be held in Glasgow. As well as meeting the President of EAIE, Ian will have meetings with a number of Glasgow's strategic partners, as well as giving a presentation on 'Studying in Scotland'.
Finally, Ian, along with the Senior International Officer for Africa, recently visited Lagos in Nigeria to conduct interviews for the new International Officer position, to be based in Nigeria. It is hoped that an announcement on the successful candidate will be made in the next two weeks, with the post holder in place over the next few months. The successful candidate will work out of the Kaplan Office, which will allow greater penetration into Nigeria and Western Africa as a whole, given that Nigeria is the number one African country for sending students to study in Glasgow.
First published: 11 September 2014
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