HR Excellence in Research Award: Consultation
Published: 24 October 2014
The University is keen to consult research staff and research managers as an action plan is prepared for the 'HR Excellence in Research Award’ from the European Commission
The University attained the ‘HR Excellence in Research Award’ from the European Commission in 2010, recognising its commitment to Support the Career Development of its Researchers through the adoption of an Action Plan 2010-14 to implement The Concordat. The Award was successfully retained through an internal review process in 2012 and now falls due for an external peer review in December 2014.
As part of this review process the University is keen to consult with its research staff and research managers to ensure your views, needs and perspectives truly shape and inform the Action Plan we are currently developing for 2015-18.
We would also like to give research staff and research managers the opportunity to inform the University’s reflection on our progress and successes in implementing the Concordat since 2010.
In the last 4 years the University has made significant progress in its implementation of the Concordat and this is an opportunity to recognise those achievements as well as reflect on how we wish to improve our support for research staff and research managers over the next 4 years. Highlights include the:
• Code of Practice for the Management of Research Staff
• tailored P&DR form for RA6/7s embedding development planning and career management in the context of the Vitae’s Researcher Development Framework (RDF)
• Researcher Mentoring scheme currently being piloted
• Mapping of external and internal professional development opportunities against the RDF
Many of these developments have been directly informed and enhanced by the feedback from research staff and research managers through surveys such as CROS (Careers in Research Online Survey) and PIRLS (Principal Investigators and Research Leaders Survey) undertaken in 2011 and 2013. Yet there is much more we can still do to support the personal, professional and career development of our research staff and managers, so we need you to tell us what you want.
We would be especially interested in suggestions from research staff and research managers for the Top 3 priorities you wish us to tackle in 2015-18 to make sure we deliver high quality support that meets your personal, professional and career development needs.
The Action Plan 2015-18 is intended to be succinct at this stage, but it will evolve into a more detailed document as we receive and take onboard your feedback and suggestions.
If you would like to comment on the Updated Action Plan 2010-14 or shape the future Action Plan for 2015-18 please follow this link to view these documents:
To submit your comments by 21 November 2014 please contact:
First published: 24 October 2014
<< October