In January Professor Simon Newman of the School of Humanities was appointed by the Foreign Secretary to a four-year term as a member of the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission. Founded by an Act of Parliament in 1953 in order to recognise the post-World War II Marshall Aid programme to Britain and Europe, the Commission is an executive non-departmental public body of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The Commission administers the British Marshall Scholarships, which finance young Americans of exceptional ability to study for graduate degrees in the UK. Each year up to forty scholarships are awarded, and alumni include Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer, the Director of the National Economic Council Dr. Bryon Auguste, Pulitzer Prize winning Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum, and scientific entrepreneur Dr. Ray Dolby. The programme is intended to strengthen the relationship between Britain and the USA, and there are well over fifteen hundred Marshall alumni.

Prince Charles

In early May the Marshall Commissioners hosted HRH the Prince of Wales and United States ambassador Matthew Barzun at a banquet in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for the current cohort of Marshall scholars. Prof. Newman (left) is seen here with other commissioners meeting the Prince of Wales and Ambassador Barzun (right). 

First published: 12 May 2014

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