We would like to remind University Services staff that the launch-with-lunch event for the new volunteering scheme will take place on Wednesday 21st May at the University Chapel from 12 noon to 2pm.Cornerstone logo

David Newall, Secretary of Court will open the event. Representatives from the two partner charity organisations will be providing an insight into the types of projects volunteers could be involved with and there will also be an opportunity to chat with members of the University's Volunteering Committee about the aims of the programme. The Conservation Volunteers Logo

If you plan to attend the launch on 21 May, please register here


If you are unable to attend the event but would like to

register your interest,

email volunteer-programme@glasgow.ac.uk


Please can all line managers make sure that staff with limited acccess to computers are made aware of this event and provide the necessary support to enable them to book places.

First published: 25 April 2014

<< May