Business School Professor Appointed EC Adviser

Professor Alan McGregor, Director of the Training and Employment Research Unit (TERU) in the Adam Smith Business School, has been appointed Expert Adviser to the European Commission’s Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. Over the next 15 months he will provide expert advice on the evaluation across all 27 Member States of the €75 billion European Social Fund (ESF). ESF supports investment in human capital, measures to help unemployed people back to work and interventions to promote social inclusion.

A Socially Mobile Scotland?

Social Mobility and Widening Access to Higher Education in Scotland: Policy, Practice and Research. Monday 31 March, at University of Glasgow.   More details in the PDF leaflet.

iVenture Tuesdays – Diet Chef CEO Talks Business - Tuesday 25th March, 2014

Interested in entrepreneurship?  Looking for inspiration to start a business, or have you already taken the plunge with your own venture?  Come join us for the latest IV Tuesday Event – a series of talks by prominent members of the business community.  This month we have an exclusive live feed as Diet Chef CEO, Kevin Dorren shares his journey as an entrepreneur and investor*.  Connect with future employers, entrepreneurs, mentors & create collaborations over free beer and pizza.  You can easily register here

So please join us at 5th Floor, Sir Alwyn Williams Building, 18 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow, G12 8RZ.  Doors open at 5:45pm, for a 6:30pm start. Attendees will have an opportunity to promote vacancies, events and other opportunities from their own work at 7:30pm after the talk. 

*Live event takes place simultaneously in Edinburgh

You can also contact:

Learning and Teaching Conference 2014

The Annual Learning and Teaching conference takes place on Thursday 10 April 2014 with the title and theme: Challenging Conventions - some conventions are challenging and some conventions need challenged.

Registration for the 7th conference is now open.

The Conference will be of interest to all members of the higher education community with an interest in teaching, learning and assessment, and once again, will be open to a limited number of external delegates.

Registration: The programme, together with abstracts and the web booking form can be found at:

When you receive your confirmation email, please check it and direct any queries to Fiona Bell:; telephone 0141 330 2621.

Please note that registration will close on Wednesday 26th March 2014.

Call for participation/panel contributions: Social Media Analysis: Methods and Ethics, April 25th 2014, University of Glasgow.  

A team from the Department of Sociology here at Glasgow is finalizing the organisation of the above one-day conference on methods for social media analysis. This will take place at the University on Friday 25th 2014. Please save the date.  

‌The aim of this one-day event is specifically to provide participants with an understanding of relevant and powerful tools and methods for the scientific analysis of social media. We have an excellent panel of speakers from outside Glasgow, which includes Prof Mike Thelwall (University of Wolverhampton), Professor Ben O'Loughlin (Royal Holloway, University of London), Dr Francesco D’orazio (Face Research) and Dr Richard Norrie (CASM-Demos).  

However, we feel strongly that, at a time when social media research is rapidly expanding in the academy, it is important to be aware of and bring together what is happening at Glasgow. In other words, what is going on ‘at home’?  

With this in mind, we are also organizing an internal panel or colloquium which will give researchers at this University the opportunity to introduce their own interest, involvement or experience in social media research and discuss related projects (for example, reading groups or other initiatives), in order to highlight how your research on or involving social media has inspired thoughts about methods and ethics.  

We therefore invite contributions for this first panel from members of staff and PG students. We are planning to be very flexible in allocating time (between 5 and 20 minutes) in order for the panel to fully function as an occasion for internal networking around methods and ethics related to social media analysis, and to provoke discussion of these two central themes across different disciplines.  

If you are interested in contributing, please contact us as soon as possible, or no later than Wednesday 19th March.   We look forward to hearing from you.   The organising team: Giuliana Tiripelli Stevie Docherty, Daniela Latina.

International Women’s Day marked on campus

On the 7 March the University celebrated International Women’s Day with a PechaKucha event of female academic careers.

International Women's DayHosted by Prof Anne Anderson (VP and Head of College of Social Science, and Gender Equality Champion) seven speakers took to the floor of the Senate room to discuss their experience of academic life. All stages of the career path were represented, with each speaker choosing to focus on different elements of their career, and how they got to where they are now, and challenges they see ahead.

The presentations were wide ranging, and included Prof. Maggie Cusack comparing her first love (her family) and her second love (studying molluscs), Dr Lisa Kelly highlighting her research around Lena Dunham’s HBO series Girls, and the gender bias experienced by Dunham, and Dr Lyndsay Fletcher explaining how colouring sun spots in primary 6 has led her to researching solar flares in her career. The event was attended by over 40 staff, and was summed up by Prof. Anderson noting that ambition is not a dirty term, and encouraging female staff to get networking.


First published: 11 March 2014

<< March