Nominations are now being sought for election to the newly established Council of Senate.  The polls will close on Thursday 27 March with the resuilts being announced the same day and in Campus eNews on Monday 31 March. 

There are a total of 75 places for elected members on the Council.  All members of Senate, both elected and professorial, who are not members of the Council ex officio are entitled to stand for election to the Council.

For the purposes of the election, there are four constituencies, formed by the members of Senate in each College.  The Colleges will elect the following numbers of members of the Council: 

  • College of Arts - - - - - 12
  • College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences - 27
  • College of Science and Engineering - - 17
  • College of Social Sciences - - - 19

Ex officio members of the Council are not eligible to stand for election, but may participate in the election of Council members.

The elections are being arranged by the Senate Office.  Voting will be by electronic ballot.  Details on voting arrangements will be issued nearer the time of the ballot.

The normal period of appointment of elected members is three years.  For the first elections, members shall be appointed in equal numbers for the balance of the 2013-14 academic year plus one, two, or three years.  The period will be determined by the numbers of votes candidates receive.  Members may stand for a second, but not a third, consecutive term.

Outlining the nomination procedure, Professor John Briggs, Clerk of Senate, said: "Nominees must be proposed and seconded by members of Senate in their College.  Nominees must confirm their willingness to stand for election. Duly completed nomination forms must be returned to the Senate Office by 4 pm on Friday 15 March 2014.

"Nominations on behalf of women and other frequently underrepresented groups are particularly welcomed."

For the Council of Senate elections, the "plurality-at-large" method is being employed. Each constituency will be given a number of votes that equates to the number of vacancies.  The candidates receiving the most votes will be elected in rank order to fill the vacancies available, subject to the minimum number of non-professorial members of Senate to be appointed to the Council from the College concerned being appointed (20%). 

Where the group of candidates receiving most votes means that the minimum number of non-professorial candidates would not be achieved, the highest-polling non-professorial candidate(s) from the group of remaining candidates will be appointed until the threshold number of non-professorial appointments is reached.  In the event of a tie, lots will be drawn.


  • Nominations invited - - - Tuesday, 25 February 2014
  • Nominations close:  - - - Friday, 15 March
  • Poll (electronic) opens:  - - - Friday, 21 March
  • Poll closes and results announced:  - Thursday, 27 March
  • Papers for the first meeting issued - Friday, 4 April.
  • First meeting of the Council:  - - Thursday,  17 April



First published: 3 March 2014

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