Tay House move gathers pace
Published: 20 May 2014
Plans to relocate just over 200 University Services staff to Tay House at Charing Cross are starting to gather pace.
Plans to relocate just over 200 University Services staff to Tay House at Charing Cross are starting to gather pace.
Slightly more than 200 staff are expected to make the move either later this year or early in the new year. The relocations are aimed at increasing space for learning and teaching at Gilmorehill. The departments involved are: HR, Finance, Estates & Buildings, the Research Support Office and Planning and Business Intelligence.
As part of the relocation process, the staff in the departments involved are this week being asked to take part in a workplace survey being conducted by Leesman, a specialist company that has wide experience in the higher education sector. This will be a continuing process that will help measure which work activities are important to individual members of staff...and how well those activities are supported by the workplace.
It's been announced that Neil Harris, Assistant Director in Estates and Buildings, will act as project manager for the move. Staff representatives from each of the departments affected have also been selected and will help guide the process which will start at the end of November and be completed by the end of March 2015.
Staff being asked to make the move were invited to briefings with their managers and were also issued with information packs and a link to online staff resources: www.gla.ac.uk/staff/relocation/
First published: 20 May 2014
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