News and events round-up
Published: 5 June 2014
A round-up of University news and events from across the Campuses
Game for Debate
Flushed with the success of the first debate in their Game for Debate series, University of Glasgow academics are preparing to tackle the burning questions of “Why are different nations good at different sports?” and “Why are we a nation of couch potatoes?” this week.
On Thursday, the question “Is elite sport good for you?” was the focus of a public debate, linked to the Commonwealth Games and hosted by the University of Glasgow at the Sir Charles Wilson Building.
The debate series, which is also part of the Glasgow Science Festival, has been organised by Dr Jason Gill, Reader in Exercise Metabolism in the Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, Dr Cindy Gray, Lord Kelvin Adam Smith Fellow in Health Behaviour Change in the Institute of Health and Wellbeing, and Professor Raymond Boyle, Professor of Communications in the School of Culture and Creative Arts.
Professor Boyle will tonight examine the media’s influence on sporting performance while Dr Colin Moran, from the University of Stirling, and Dr Laura Forrest, of the University of the West of Scotland, will discuss the part played by genetics and environmental factors as they consider “Why are different nations good at different sports?”
On Wednesday, the subject for discussion will be “Why are we a nation of couch potatoes?”. Dr Niamh Murphy, from the Centre for Health Behaviour Research at the Waterford Institute of Technology in Ireland, will talk about the physical activity legacy gained from hosting major sporting events, while Dr Gill will discuss how much activity we need to do to be healthy and Dr Gray will reveal innovative means to engage “hard to reach groups” in taking physical exercise.
The debates are being chaired by John Beattie and highlights broadcast on his BBC Radio Scotland lunchtime show.
Entry to the debates is free but anyone interested in attending should register at
Innovation News
The University has launched its latest edition of Innovation News, highlighting the recent innovation and commercialisation activity at Glasgow.
Full details at:
International Lymphoedema Framework Conference 5-7th June in University of Glasgow
There were more than 450 delegates registered for the International Lymphoedema Framework Conference which took place between 5-7th June at the University of Glasgow. There were 182 registered for the associated free online conference and more than 360 registered to attend at least one day. The organisers say it was a fantastic response. Twenty-nine countries were represented.
Big Data
The University of Glasgow is emerging as a leader in the UK in applications of big data analytics to questions of interest to social scientists. The Big Data in the Social Sciences workshop will highlight both work here locally and also by prominent scholars at other institutions.
Registration is free, although we have a limited number of places available. More information can be found here:
First published: 5 June 2014
<< June