Ideas for Ferguson?
Published: 4 July 2014
The University's Ferguson Bequest committee is looking for ideas about fresh social activities to support. They would very much like to hear from colleagues across the campuses.
The University's Ferguson Bequest committee is looking for ideas about fresh social activities to support. They would very much like to hear from colleagues across the campuses.
Professor Tom Ferguson bequeathed his estate to the University in 1977, aimed at fostering the social side of University life. The University Court established the Ferguson Bequest Committee to administer the funds and agreed that the use of the money should be for the benefit of all staff of the University.
Rhona Little from the Court Office said: "Currently, the Ferguson Bequest successfully supports a range of different social activities across the University and, at its last meeting, the Ferguson Bequest Committee agreed that it might be helpful to hear of any further ideas that colleagues might have on supporting other social activities.
"So if colleagues have any ideas on new initiatives, large or small, that would be eligible for Ferguson support, please email the Court Office and suggestions will be forwarded to the Ferguson Bequest Committee for consideration."
Summer 2014 ballot
Coincidentally, the Ferguson Bequest has recently purchased an allocation of Theatre Tickets for the Summer 2014 Ballot. For full details of the performances and to make an application via the on-line system, please log in to MyGlasgow. You can also find the link at the bottom of our web pages. Once you log in, go to the Ferguson Bequest pages where you can enter the theatre ticket draws and book tickets to other Ferguson Bequest attractions.
Log in will require your GUID and password. Closing date is 14 July.
First published: 4 July 2014
<< July