The Principal has thanked staff for their patience during the Commonwealth Business Conference which saw security restrictions placed on access to the Gilmorehill campus. Professor Anton Muscatelli also paid tribute to everyone who helped make #Glasgow2014biz a success.‌

His message to all University staff reads:

"I would like to thank everyone for your forbearance over the last few days as the University hosted the Commonwealth Business Conference. I would also like to thank all the staff members from University Services who helped to make the conference safe and secure, very well fed and watered, and a great success.

Commonwealth Business Conference - staff with Queen's Baton"While it has been an extraordinary sight to see the Gilmorehill campus free of cars and vans, I know this has required many colleagues to change their travel to work plans.

"I know too that even some short journeys on foot within the Gilbert Scott building have been a challenge. However, the University of Glasgow has been thrust to the very centre of the spotlight in the run up to the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony.  Over the last 48 hours, our University has played host to some of the country’s most influential business and political leaders, including the Prime Minister, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the First Minister and the Cabinet Secretary for Finance! We have enjoyed acres of positive media coverage. And we have also had several visits from the Queen’s Baton and I was very glad that a number of colleagues were able to enjoy an impromptu chance to see it and hold it yesterday.  Once again, thank you for your patience and your support." 

Professor Anton Muscatelli


Professors Square clear of carsParking around the Gilbert Scott building had to be suspended for the duration of the conference. All the security restrictions have now been lifted. 

During the Commonwealth Games you can find regularly updated traffic and travel information at Get Ready Glasgow:  and on Twitter: @GetReadyGlasgow.

Daily travel advisories from Get Ready Glasgow will be posted each day of the Games on the MyGlasgow Staff front page: log in with your GUID: MyGlasgow Staff

Flexible working

The University's Human Resources team have issued guidance to staff about flexible working for those whose journeys to work might be disrupted.

The University already supports a number of different forms of flexible working and HR say managers and staff may wish to look at the relevant sections of the HR Internet pages to assist in thinking through potential options.

The University is expecting staff to make every effort to attend work as normal. However the University will be receptive to flexible working requests from people who believe they may be affected - perhaps by altering normal start and finish times. 

Staff who are having to alter their normal travelling arrangements and  anticipate potentially needing to flex their normal working hours should speak to their immediate line managers as early as possible to seek to agree how any reduced hours on some days, will be made up on others.  

HR say the University’s normal attendance policies continue to apply during the Games' period. 


Daily travel advisories covering a range of traffic and travel options - provided by Get Ready Glasgow - will be posted each day of the Games on the MyGlasgow Staff front page: log in with your GUID: MyGlasgow Staff

You’ll find a PDF map of the Kelvingrove area on this page which shows road closures and other changes. The latest information for the Kellvingrove Park area can be found here:

There may also be travel updates on the websites of the major transport operators:



First published: 3 June 2014

<< July