Learning and Development Directory

Eddie O'Grady, Head of Employee and Organisational Development, has launched this year’s version of the Learning & Development Directory which can be viewed on the HR web pages:


The University of Glasgow is committed to providing current and leading edge development to all  staff and this document plays a key role in that process.  Eddie said: "I do hope colleagues find the Directory useful and that it helps support this year's Performance Development Review discussions.

Should you have any feedback regarding this document please contact: Eddie.O'Grady@glasgow.ac.uk

Get on your bike for Cycle Glasgow!

Why not get on your bike and raise funds for the Paul O'Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre in Glasgow?

Cycle Glasgow 2014 will take place on Sunday 17 August starting at 10.00am. The route starts and finishes in Kelvingrove Park and cyclists have the option to cover 13 or 26 miles. This is a fun, family cycling event designed for riders of all abilities.

Early Bird registration is £9 per adult and £3.50 for under 16s (entries after 10 July are £13/£5). Register online now at:  www.glasgow.ac.uk/cycleglasgow

Alternatively, please contact the Events Team for an entry form by telephone: 0141 330 3593 or email: daoevents@glasgow.ac.uk

Cycle Glasgow relies upon volunteers to help steward the route on the day or to provide some basic bike maintenance at the event. If you are willing to give up a few hours of your time for a very good cause, we would love to hear from you!

To volunteer, please contact Catherine McGrory by telephone: 0141 330 8007 or email: Catherine.McGrory@glasgow.ac.uk

For further information on the event please contact the Events Team by telephone: 0141 330 3593 or email: daoevents@glasgow.ac.uk

RIO Video Winner

You can view the winning entry of our photo/video contest (£500 bursary from Hotcourses). The student is from Indonesia and studying M.Sc in Geoinformation Technology.  Its great so feel free to share/use!


Ann Wilber, Recruitment Marketing Manager, Recruitment and International Office

PDR Workshops

On 10th July the Staff Development Service is offering the following PDR workshops which may be of interest to you:

Constructive Feedback for Reviewers 09.30 -11.00 or 11.30-13.00 Successful PDR conversations require a range of communication skills. As a reviewer aiming to achieve a positive outcome in PDR meetings there will be times when you will face challenging conversations. This first half of this session looks at the principles of communication, including the skilled use of questions, which will enable you to deliver constructive feedback and deal with challenging conversations. In the second half of the session participants will have the opportunity to explore their specific concerns and challenges

Constructive Feedback for Reviewees  14.00-15.30 As part of your PDR you should receive feedback on your performance over the last year - some of which is likely to be positive and some of which is likely to be constructive. This session will focus on, how you should respond to feedback in your PDR meeting; the type of questions you should be asking to further understand the feedback you are receiving; and how to manage yourself when receiving feedback to ensure that you remain assertive in the feedback process.

The venue for all sessions will be Room 250, Gilbert Scott Conference Suite, Main Building.  

You can book a place on any of these sessions by visiting our website at:


Our online booking system requires your GUID and password.  If you experience difficulties booking using your GUID please contact IT services through the link from the booking system.  If you experience any other difficulties please send an email to sds@glasgow.ac.uk with your booking request including your staff number.






First published: 1 July 2014

<< July