News and Events in Brief
Published: 13 January 2014
A digest of other University news and events in brief...
Lister would be proud
A new state-of-the-art £15 million laboratory which has just opened at Glasgow Royal Infirmary (GRI) has already been highly commended in the Design Award category by NHS National Services Scotland.
The refurbishment also includes two floors for the University of Glasgow.
The new Lister Laboratory is named after Joseph Lister who is famous for his ground breaking work in the prevention of wound infection. He was Professor of Surgery at the University of Glasgow from 1860 to 1869 and his research changed the face of surgical procedures making it much safer for patients.
Following a multi-million pound refurbishment the laboratory is continuing Lister’s tradition of pioneering clinical excellence. State-of-the-art equipment, facilities and décor has transformed the building for the staff and patients.
It provides a modern new home for Clinical Microbiology, the West of Scotland Specialist Virology Centre, relocated from Gartnavel General Hospital and the Scottish Microbiology Reference Laboratories (Glasgow) which has relocated from the Stobhill campus.
The Lister laboratory refurbishment completes a package of investment of some £200million in the past three years in modern laboratory services for NHSGGC and comes just two years after the opening of a new £90 million laboratory in the south of the city as part of the new £842million New South Glasgow Hospital project.
The lab is located in the GRI’s New Lister Building (formerly known as the University Tower).
Limelight for Prof Lee Cronin
Professor Lee Cronin has been named by the Science Council in a list of the one hundred leading practising scientists in the UK. IN a category called "Exploring Scientists", he was recognised "for being a young rising star seeking to understand and control self-assembly and self-organisation in chemistry to develop functional molecular and nano-molecular chemical systems and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Royal Society of Edinburgh."
Three Minute Thesis
Staff are invited to join the audience for either the College heats or the grand final of Glasgow's most exciting competition for research students. Dates, venues and videos of last year's competition can be found here:
Applications open for Hunterian Associates Programme
A unique research and public engagement programme, run by The Hunterian, is currently recruiting postgraduate researchers from all four Colleges to use their research in knowledge exchange in a museum and gallery setting.
The Hunterian Associates Programme uses The Hunterian’s vast collections of artefacts relating to art, science and medical history to drive a programme of knowledge exchange between academics and the public. It not only aims to communicate university research to a wider audience, it also increases the access and visibility of the rarely seen items in the Hunterian’s collections.
Each Associate will be responsible for delivering public engagement event, or programme of events, related to their particular area of expertise. There are opportunities for researchers from all backgrounds, whether you are based in the College MVLS, Science and Engineering, Social Sciences or Arts.
In partnership with the relevant Graduate School, The Hunterian provides resources and training to successful applicants to deliver their proposed events. The time commitment varies from project to project, but in recognition of the demands on 1st and final year researchers, it is considered to be most apprpriate to 2nd and 3rd year researchers. Starting in March, the yearly cycle culminates in a public showcase event in October to celebrate the range of projects completed.
Project delivery and outputs are decided by the individual Associates, but in the past have included gallery talks, tours, podcasts, web-based displays outreach events performances and installations. Each project is expected to deliver an appropriate dissemination strategy that is designed to share the research story, and findings, beyond the confines of traditional academic discourse.
If you are a postgraduate researcher and would be interested in becoming a Hunterian Associate, contact Ruth Fletcher at the Hunterian for further details:
View the outputs of previous projects:
Research staff conference-17th March 2014, 1-5pm, Senate Room
This annual event. Is an opportunity for early-career researchers to gain practical advice on career development and the research funding landscape. The event programme and booking form can be found here:
The 14th Holocaust Memorial Lecture
Human Experiments and The Holocaust: A Victim-based Analysis will be held at the University on Tuesday 21 January at 6pm (doors open 5.30pm) in the Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre (WILT). The speaker at this year's lecture is Professor Paul Weindling.
Professor Paul Weindling is Wellcome Trust Research Professor in the History of Medicine at Oxford Brookes University. His research covers evolution and eugenics, public health, refugees from Nazism, and Nazi coerced experimentation. He has been on the boards of projects on the history of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society under National Socialism, and the Robert Koch Institute. He leads the research project into "Victims of Human Experiments and Coerced Research under National Socialism", researching victim narratives and reconstructing the experiences and life histories of victims.
This lecture is free and open to the public, however prior registration is essential. To register, or for more information, please visit:
Employee Representative on University Court
Voting closes at noon on 30 January in the ballot for Employee Representative on University Court. There are three candidates for the position:
- Mr Dave Anderson IT Specialist, IT Services, University Services. Joint Union (JULC) Nominee.
- Mr Peter J Bailey Systems Team Manager, School of Computing Science.
- Mr Chris Buckland Tier 4 Compliance Officer, University Registry.
A postal election is underway with voting papers being circulated. Votes must be returned in the envelopes provided, by noon on 30 January 2014.
First published: 13 January 2014
<< January