A conference being held at the University next month will seek to establish where Scotland stands with regard to social mobility and widening access to college and university.

The conference is entitled ‘A Socially Mobile Scotland?’ Social Mobility and Widening Access to Higher Education in Scotland: Policy, Practice and Research"

Date: Monday 31 March 2014

Venue: University of Glasgow

This is a national summit conference for Scotland, supported by the Forum for Access and Continuing Education (FACE), The FOCUS West Programme, CR&DALL and the University of Glasgow.

This conference seeks to establish where we are now in Scotland with regard to social mobility and widening access to college and university. In addition to stimulating interest in the work of the Forum for Access and Continuing Education, a long-standing, UK-wide professional organisation for staff working in access and lifelong learning, the conference seeks to make stronger connections between the practitioner community and staff who work in policy and research.

The conference seeks to showcase innovative practice in the improvement of social mobility for young people and returners to education, in addition to providing a national platform to highlight creative solutions on the way forward for access and lifelong learning.

The conference welcomes participants from the university, college and school sectors – particularly senior managers, policy makers, practitioners and research staff in widening access/ participation and admissions and staff who work more broadly with young people and adult returners who have an interest in social mobility/ social inclusion.

Glasgow University’s Vice-Principal for Learning and Teaching, Professor Frank Coton, will open the conference and one of the keynote presentations will be by the Commissioner for the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission – Mr Douglas Hamilton.

The link to the conference website is http://pobs.cc/xyrx

Contact: Dr Bernadette Sanderson, FOCUS West Programme, Room 108, 10 The Square, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ.

Tel.: 0141 330 6179 www.focuswest.org.uk

First published: 3 February 2014