GRAB Lunch: Focus on Europe

Date and time: Friday 28 February 2014, 12.30 pm-1.30 pm.  Venue: The Sir Alwyn Williams Building (Level 5)

Staff are warmly invited to a special edition GRAB lunch, where the focus will be on Europe, looking at the University’s strategic priorities for the region over the next few years, as well as the emerging shape of funding opportunities. The lunch will be of particular interest to staff with an interest in partnership development, scoping potential research possibilities, or with a general interest in discovering what the University is doing in the region.

The GRAB lunch (food will be provided) will include:

  • An overview of the University’s strategic priorities for the region over the next few years.
  • An update on European recruitment activity.
  • An overview of the challenges and opportunities of the new Erasmus+ scheme.
  • A chance to meet with staff, including Professor Jim Conroy, Vice Principal (Internationalisation), and International Dean for Europe.
  • Short talks by staff currently engaged in European activity.
  • Opportunities to discuss your work/interest in the region, and any ideas you may have for developing the University’s presence there.

Please let us know in advance if you wish to attend, by emailing:

To find out more about the GRAB lunch, please visit:

First published: 31 January 2014