Come dance to celebrate Gaelic House!
Published: 30 January 2014
2014 marks the 5th anniversary of the University of Glasgow’s Gaelic Language Residency Scheme or the Gaelic House / Taigh na Gàidhlig as its better known by students!
Tha an Iomairt Ghàidhlig aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu a’ comharrachadh 5 bliadhna den sgeama sònraichte, Sgeama Còmhnaidh nan Oileanach, neo mar a th’ aig na h-oileanaich air, Taigh na Gàidhlig! Thathar a’ toirt fiathachadh do luchd-obrach agus oileanaich an oilthighe tighinn gu cuirm & dannsa air Diardaoin 13mh Gearran anns an Aonadh Oilthigh Ghlaschu.
On a chaidh an sgeama a stèidheachadh, tha e air cothrom a thoirt do luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig, an cànan a chleachdadh gu nàdarra, taobh a-muigh an t-seòmair theagaisg agus am measg òigridh eile. Tha e fhathast an aon sgeama dha seòrsa ann an Alba agus air leth cudromach ann a bhith a’ brosnachadh òigridh gus Gàidhlig a chleachdadh nam beatha làitheil agus luach a chur air a’ chànan.
Mar phàirt den chuirm seo, bithear a’ toirt sùil air ais air na 5 bliadhna a dh’fhalbh agus a’ cluinntinn bho luchd-obrach an Oilthighe a bhios ag obair air an sgeama agus oileanaich a th’ air pàirt a ghabhail thar nam bliadhnaichean. Tha sinn cuideachd air leth toilichte a bhith a’ cur fàilte air riochdairean bho Choláiste Ollscoile, Baile Átha Cliath agus a’ coimhead air adhart ri cluinntinn bhuapa agus mar a tha an sgeama còmhnaidh an sin air cur ris a’ choimhearsnachd eadar-nàiseanta aca.
Thèid cèilidh mhòr a chumail às dèidh na cuirm seo air a chur air dòigh le oileanaich Taigh na Gàidhlig 2013/14 ann an co-bhonn leis a’ Chomunn Oiseanach agus Sgioba Iomain an Oilthighe. Cluinnear ceòl bho feadhainn de na luchd-ciùil traidiseanta as fheàrr ann an Alba, Gary Innes, Ewen Henderson agus Dùghlas Millar.
2014 marks the 5th anniversary of the University of Glasgow’s Gaelic Language Residency Scheme or the Gaelic House / Taigh na Gàidhlig as its better known by students! To mark this special occasion, staff and students are warmly invited to attend a reception and dance on Thursday 13th February 2014 in the GUU.
Since its establishment in 2009, the Gaelic Residency Scheme has given Gaelic-speaking students the opportunity to use Gaelic in their daily lives beyond the classroom and amongst peers, regardless of their chosen area of study. It remains the only scheme of its kind in Scotland and is a truly unique opportunity that is vitally important in encouraging young Gaelic speakers to value their linguistic skills and to be confident in using Gaelic in a variety of scenarios.
The reception will take a look back over the past 5 years of the scheme and the achievements of participating students and include a range of speeches from University of Glasgow staff as well as past and present students. We are also delighted to be welcoming representatives from University College Dublin (UCD) to the event and look forward to hearing how their Irish Language Scheme has contributed to their international community. The reception will be followed by a rousing ceilidh organised by this year’s Taigh na Gàidhlig students in collaboration with the Ossianic Society and the University Shinty Club. Music will be provided by some of Scotland’s top traditional musicians, Gary Innes, Ewen Henderson & Douglas Millar.
First published: 30 January 2014
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