The Library Christmas Fair, held on 17 December, raised more than £1,800 for the charity Alzheimer Scotland, writes Lesley Richmond.

Library Christmas FairThe Library cafe was the venue. After the success of last year’s craft fair, staff from all areas of the Library again worked hard to organise stalls, musical performances, and raffles.  Staff from nearby buildings were invited and students hoping to have a cup of coffee in the cafe, were lured in by the promise of delicious homebaking and possible prizes. 

Library staff generously provided great raffle prizes including  afternoon tea for two at Hotel du Vin.  In the spirit of recycling, one of the stalls was devoted to re-selling unwanted gifts.  The stall was laden with previously unloved goodies such as bath salts, photo frames, jewellery and a book on different types of beards!  Amazingly almost everything was sold. 

Two music groups -  members of  the University Chapel  Choir and the Scratchy Noises  Traditional Music Group performed performed throughout the fair.  

In total the excellent sum of £1824.00 was raised for Alzheimer Scotland which provides a wide range of specialist services for people with dementia and their carers.

First published: 30 January 2014