Applications for ERANET PLUS mobility in 2015/16 are now open.  

ERANET PLUS is an Erasmus Mundus Key Action 2 project. Financed by the European Commission, it aims to establish strong academic collaborative ties and student and staff mobility flows between Russia and Europe.

Undergraduate, Masters, and Doctoral students as well as Post-doctoral and Staff members are welcome to apply for scholarship funding to conduct coursework, project work, or teaching at a Russian partner.

Programme, application, and scholarship information can be found at: Eranet-Mundus & Eranet Plus . Interested applicants must apply to the programme directly through the centralised online application system at the  ERANET PLUS website . The application deadline for the programme is 19th December 2014

Queries can be directed to in the Exchanges and Study Abroad Team.

First published: 11 November 2014