Tay House floor plans take shape
Published: 26 August 2014
Gavin Mcluskie, the external project manager for Tay House, has released floor plans for the new University office accommodation in the city centre.
Gavin Mcluskie, the external project manager for Tay House, has released floor plans for the new University office accommodation in the city centre.
The plans, available here, detail the layout for Human Resources, Estates and Buildings, Planning and Business Intelligence and Finance. They also detail shared utilities including showers and changing rooms, kitchenettes, break-out space and the reception area.
The Tay House presentation planned for 21 August has been postponed, to give the project team a little longer to compare, contrast and consider the tender returns linked to the fitting out of the new University accommodation at Tay House. Watch this space for an update.
The findings of the travel and transport survey will be published next month with detailed briefings from the external agency conducting the research, SKM.
First published: 26 August 2014
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