The 2014 University of Glasgow Staff Survey is still 'live' and waiting for your opinions. The Survey, which guarantees anonymity, has another two weeks to run until it closes on Friday 25 April.

So far more than £2,600 has been raised for the University charities available for selection on the questionnaire.

More members of staff have been explaining why they have completed the survey.

(mp4 video) (mp4 video)

This year's survey is being conducted independently of the University by Capita Surveys and Research. Supported by the University’s trades unions, the detailed questionnaire is aimed at seeking the views of ALL staff and will guarantee respondents’ total anonymity.  The University is being given only general information about response rates across the campuses, but NO information from individual survey responses.

The majority of the questionnaires were circulated via staff email, but some staff have been offered the opportunity to complete the survey on paper, if it's more convenient. The Capita survey link is:  You will need the personal password provided by Capita.  This is secure and will not allow anyone, apart from the individual, to access their responses.  Capita Surveys and Research do not deal with groups smaller than 10 responses, another guarantee of anonymity for University staff.

Staff Survey email imageIf you don't think you have received the Capita email, or perhaps mistook it for spam, check your mail folders for "Surveys, Staff". If you have any problems accessing the Capita website, or would like to fill in the survey over the telephone, please contact Capita Surveys & Research on 0800 5873115. 

If you wish to verify that the email is genuine, please contact Eileen Rae, PA to Director of HR, on 0141 330 4274 or by e-mail 

The survey covers a wide range of topics linked to working life at the University of Glasgow. They include:

  • work/life balance
  • job satisfaction
  • performance and development review (P&DR)
  • pay and conditions
  • communications

You can find out more about the 2014 Staff Survey here:

And you can send questions or comments to:


First published: 10 April 2014

<< April