Nominations are now open for the Tom Gibson Memorial Awards.  The awards aim to recognise outstanding accomplishment and/or outstanding potential for young medics/scientists below the age of 40 who are employed by the Universities of Glasgow or Strathclyde.

The areas of activity of nominees should be multidisciplinary in nature and should be oriented to enhancing developments in medicine and/or related sciences and technologies.  The award has a prize of £2,500.

  • The award may be made for a specific achievement or for a body of work extending over a period of years
  • An award may be made where the potential of early work indicates - in the view of the nominator(s) and expert referees - a strong possibility of achievement
  • Consideration will be given to achievements in all medical disciplines and related sciences(s) and technology
  • The award, while normally made to an individual, may also be made to a group, especially where this reflects the multidiciplinary bias of the Award, and where the members of the group meet the criteria selection
  • Individuals and groups from within the communities of the Univesities of Glasgow and Strathclyde are eligible (lecturers, researchers, visiting lecturers or professors, honorary fellows, alumni)

The closing date for nominations for the 2014 award is 2 May 2014.  Full details and nomination forms are available from: Nicola Rorrison, Faculty of Engineering, Room 5.25, Royal College Building, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XW.  Tel: 0141 548 2747 or email 

First published: 10 April 2014

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