Saturday Open Day breaks new ground
Published: 25 September 2013
RIO's Rachel Sandison outlines the thinking behind this year's Saturday Open Day which takes place on 26 October.
RIO's Rachel Sandison on this year's Saturday Open Day
As part of the University’s continuing development of recruitment activity, a new Saturday Open Day is being introduced next month. Saturday 26 October is the date for your diary.
In Spring 2012, research commissioned by the Recruitment and International Office from Ipsos Mori stressed the importance of Open Days in applicant decision making amidst an increasingly competitive market.
The same report highlighted the need to increase awareness and improve perception of both the city and university across the rest of the UK (RUK).
The new Saturday Open Day replaces the October Visit Day that has run the last couple of years, the date coinciding with an English holiday so it is a good opportunity for us to attract RUK visitors as well as providing a further option for prospective Scottish and International students to visit.
The final factor in the decision making was to reduce the pressure on our main September event. Feedback from visitors in 2012, whilst mainly positive, also indicated that stresses in some of the busier venues and talks meant that some left without all the necessary information, detracting from their experience. By adding the new event, which already has over 3000 registrations, we were able to reduce the attendance at the September 2013 Open Day from an excessive 11,500 registrations to a more manageable 8,700.
The organisation of the October Open Day will be led by the UK Recruitment Team and your support will be vital in helping it be a success. To find out more, please contact your own, local Open Day Coordinator or the UK Recruitment team at
First published: 25 September 2013
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