Following on from the outline given by Ann Allen, Director of Estates and Buildings at the Campus Conversation, views are being sought from staff, students and west end residents on our plans for the redevelopment of the Gilmorehill site.

The first stage of consultation took place in February of this year. The feedback received was extremely useful. Now there’s another chance to engage with us, and the University is inviting your comments and suggestions during a second stage consultation. An exhibition is being held from 1 – 31 October in the Welcome Point at the John McIntyre building, with questionnaires available for you to complete.

Three open events are also being held – also in the Welcome Point - where you can ask questions directly of the project team. So, come along and find out more.

Open Events :

Wednesday 2 October: 12 noon – 5pm

Monday 7 October: 12 noon – 5pm

Thursday 10 October: 3pm – 7.30pm

For further information go to:

And you can email us at:

First published: 25 September 2013