Principal's Podcast
Published: 12 September 2013
Ahead of the Campus Conversation on Friday 27 September, Principal and Vice Chancellor Professor Anton Muscatelli reflects on the University's restructuring and the opportunities opening up after the acquisition of the Western Infirmary site.
On the morning of Friday 27 September we are holding an event for staff in the Bute Hall called the Campus Conversation. Its purpose is to brief you on the progress we are making with our current, strategic plans laid out in Glasgow 2020 – a global vision. We’ll also be premiering a short film we have made, reflecting on recent change and looking ahead to our takeover of the Western Infirmary site.
It will be a chance for all of us to reflect on the restructuring programme and the challenges we have all faced in the last three years. Just as important will be the opportunity to talk about the Campus Vision and the exciting possibilities that we now face in redeveloping our Campus in the West End of the city. Make no mistake, this will be a once in a generation chance to create a University capable of seizing the opportunities offered by our global economy and the digital revolution we are currently living through.
Just as importantly, Campus Conversation will be your opportunity to express your views and to ask questions of the senior management team. When you register, you can submit a question for the panel or you will have the opportunity on the day to raise issues or to join the conversation. Scientist and broadcaster Heather Reid OBE has agreed to be our Chair and to moderate the question time.
You can book your place for Campus Conversation on the MyGlasgow staff page.
All staff attending on the day will be entered into a prize draw to win an iPad Mini with Wi-Fi 16GB. Your choice of black or white!
First published: 12 September 2013
<< September