University staff have been submitting questions for the Senior Management team as they register for this month's Campus Conversation. This staff event is your opportunity to get the latest on Glasgow 2020: a global vision. What stage has the restructuring of the University reached and what remains to be achieved?  What is happening with our Campus Vision consultation and the acquisition of the Western Infirmary site, not to mention the far reaching proposals to re-shape the Gilmorehill estate? Heather Reid OBE

Here is a sample of the questions being posed in advance of the event:

  • How confident does the University feel about its preparations for REF 2014 ?
  • How are the campus developments on the Western Infirmary site going to impact the local area, particularly the infrastructure for improved traffic management and car parking?
  • What changes in culture do you believe are required to achieve Glasgow 2020 and what actions have been put in place to address such a cultural shift within the University? 
  • How do we manage to finance and keep up-to-date with developing technology, particularly if the current rate of development is sustained? 
  • Do you expect the geographical focus of the internationalisation policy to change over the next few years? 

The Campus Conversation takes place on Friday 27 September in the Bute Hall, running from 0930 to 1230. Doors open 0900. Principal Anton Muscatelli and members of the senior management team will be on the platform. 

Ann Allen, Director of Estates and Buildings, will join the panel to discuss the estates strategy. The event will be moderated by Heather Reid OBE.  Video relays are being planned to the Garscube Campus and the Dumfries Campus.

All staff attending on the day will be entered into a prize draw to win an iPad Mini with Wi-Fi 16GB. Your choice of black or white!  To take part, register for the event here:

Corporate Communications would be grateful if you would use the booking system, as it will help us gauge numbers and arrange catering accordingly. It will also offer you the chance to submit a question for the senior management panel. You can also send questions or comments to Phil Taylor, Internal Communications Manager. The names of all staff attending on the day will be placed in the draw for an iPad Mini. The draw to be made by Heather Reid OBE after the event.  The winner will be notified by Corporate Communications and announced in Campus eNews.

First published: 19 July 2013