Vice Principal Frank Coton discusses Periodic Subject Review

The University has for many years had a system of periodic review of subjects. This is one of the main ways by which the University assures itself of the quality of the provision delivered by Subject/Schools. The reviews concentrate on teaching, learning and assessment and quality enhancement and assurance matters. Management, research, and resource issues are considered as they relate to these areas. The reviews are conducted on a six-year cycle.

In the 2013/14 cycle, subjects under review will be: Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies, Nursing and Health Care, Computing Science, Economic and Social History, Education: Community Development and Adult Education, Sociology.

The review is carried out by a Panel made up of a Vice Principal or the Clerk of Senate (who is the Convener), an external subject specialist, a Senate Assessor on the University Court, an academic from a cognate School (normally within the same College), a representative from the Learning and Teaching Centre, a student representative from outwith the School, normally from another College and an administrator from the Senate Office who is the secretary to the Panel.

To familiarise themselves with a Subject’s activities in advance of the visit, Panel members receive a Self Evaluation Report (SER), which the Subject/School prepares, plus supporting background documentation. Subject/Schools are encouraged to consult with students on the SER, perhaps at a staff: student liaison committee meeting or via Moodle/StudentVoice, with a view to seeking feedback on whether or not it is a fair reflection of the subject(s)

The Panel visits and meets representative groups of students on taught programmes (undergraduate and postgraduate) and also meets groups of staff in the Subject(s) under review. The length of the visit and the number of meetings will depend on the scope of the Subject(s) but most visits are held across two days.

After the visit, the Review Panel produces a report which highlights the strengths and achievements of the Subject(s)/School and includes a number of commendations and recommendations for changes which should be made - or at least considered - aimed at strengthening provision and thereby further enhancing the teaching provision. Some of these recommendations will be for action by the Subject/School; others will be for action by other bodies within the University such as the College, the Library, Estates and Buildings.

More information, including the Guidelines for Subjects and Schools, can be found on the Senate Office website at:

First published: 10 October 2013

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