Harassment Volunteer Network (HVN)
Published: 9 October 2013
The Harassment Volunteer Network has been in existence since 1999 and is looking for volunteer advisers. It was previously known as the Harassment Advisers’ Network and is dedicated to making the University of Glasgow a safe and positive environment.
Harassment Volunteer Network (HVN)
• Are you approachable?
• Do you have good listening skills?
• Are you a good communicator?
• Do you have a clear commitment to equality of opportunity in the workplace?
• Do you want to make a difference?
The Harassment Volunteer Network has been in existence since 1999 (previously known as the Harassment Advisers’ Network) and is dedicated to making the University of Glasgow a safe and positive environment for the benefit of the whole University.
The Harassment Volunteer Network provides a confidential service and advisers provide support and guidance to try resolve situations informally, under the Dignity at Work and Study Policy, allowing both staff and students affected by bullying or harassment to discuss their problems without immediate recourse to formal University procedures.
The Equality and Diversity Unit would like to recruit a number of new Volunteer Harassment Advisers. If you are interested in making a positive difference at the University, please consider becoming an adviser.
As the name suggests the post is voluntary and unpaid but should not take up a great deal of your time, although you will require your line manager’s approval to undertake the role. The network meets four times annually during lunchtime for approximately one and a half hours (lunch is provided for you).
Following your initial training there will be up to two days each year for further/refresher training.
This opportunity is available to all employees across all grades and job families but we would particularly welcome applications from staff based outwith the main Gilmorehill campus and from academic staff, as these are currently under-represented areas within the network.
Closing date for applications is, Friday 1 November 2013.
Applications will be considered by a panel and we aim to hold interviews in early December 2013.
If you would like to contribute towards making the University of Glasgow an even better place to work, more information on the Network and the role of the Volunteer Harassment Adviser are available from the Equality and Diversity Unit website and you can request an application form by emailing equality@glasgow.ac.uk
We very much look forward to hearing from you.
First published: 9 October 2013
<< October